General Topic
Is anyone struggling to get points
Joy G27-Mar-24 03:04 pm
I was a platinum holder for a couple of years and one month I didn't get my points and ended up a gold holder. I am now struggling to get the points to even stay gold. I press on every survey that comes through and they say "you've completed survey" or "I'm not eligible" or if I do have the chance to complete the survey an error message comes up or the survey freezes grrh Any one else having the same problem?
Comments - Page 2
  • Frosty
    my problem is they say a survey will take 10 minutes when it comes up it is 20 minutes for the same points which are very low I don't mind 10 minutes for 2-3 hundred point but 20 minutes is a bit on the nose
    • Joy G
      Yes I get that a lot I selected a survey for 15 mins, when I went into it, it said 25mins and it took 45 mins and I received NO points.
    • Largs - SA
      Yes that happens to me too and when they do that I exit straight away. Maybe if we all did that the survey companies would give us the survey they said it would be and not a longer one. I rarely do surveys these days as the points are so bad and getting worse.
  • SaM 1508211
    Yes very low points.
    • Dave P 857147
      I find that wen I have finished a survey if it is negative to the government or the climate lobbies desired result, they cancel it and say unfortunately we have reached our quota so I think they give the results the interested party want to hear so they would not be getting a true picture of what we really think
      • Janet H 854956
        Ditto! I think it is a way for the ones holding the survey to get the info. they need without coughing up the points. I quite often get surveys that have just come in, only to be told that I have already entered it! Not fair and not right. 😖
        • Joy G
          Yes same here. Very disappointing when this happens
      • Danielle 1497391
        Yes I have the same problem. I cannot seem to get many points at all.
        • Angie
          I think most of us are going through similar issues Joy. After completing a long survey and getting to the end, only to be shown "an error occurred" and it was all for nothing, is very frustrating! I do take a screenshot and send in my complaint to the team, and they do compensate me, but not for the amount I was promised for completing the survey! I sometimes wonder when I am being honest giving my opinion about a company who have poor customer service, or have done me wrong, they cut me off then and there as it is not what they want to hear! So do I BS and say this bank is fabulous, or that power company is awesome, just to tick the boxes so as to get my points... mmm🤔
          • View all 5 replies
          • Joy G
            I've thought of doing that. Has it worked for you?
          • AngieJoy G
            Hi Joy... sorry I've just noticed what I had typed has been squiffed and now does not make sense (very odd) anyway, what I was saying... companies cut me off because what I have to say, is not what they want to hear, so I've absolutely thought of answering that they are awesome and a genuinely honest and transparent company who are trustworthy who do not put profit over people and genuinely care about their customers...
          • AngieAngie
            and then, yes, I am successful and claim the points
          • Joy GAngie
            thanks for your reply.
          • Beth 348992
            I somewhat often have that issue- with spending decent time completing a whole survey to the point of reaching a 'thanks for this completing this survey' success page, only to be directed back to rewardia who says oh sorry you're screened out, 2 points. Very annoying as it's time wasted - plus they've still gotten and can benefit from all my answers? Seems unfair and a bit dodgy, I think i might have lodged something once too but also only got a portion back of what I should have
        • mary c
          gosh my eyes are tired- i thought this said anyone struggling to get joints.
          • View all 7 replies
          • Angie
          • Liane H
            Haaha !
          • Chosen
            Nah my hips, elbows and ankles are fine.
          • AngieChosen
            😆 you're so funny
          • ChosenAngie
            That will be 100 points. Thanks.
          • mary cChosen
            you been buying all the CRC cans from supercheap auto again mr C ;))
          • ChevyJulie 1473189
            Haha good one!
        • karen M 876336
          I agree with everything you are saying ! BUT the games can be just as bad, I had a real good score on Onet, heading for one to get me on the leader board, then it Bombed me out and I got no points at all. Then today there was a bonus to play the WORD game, it dinged everytime I tried to get my score and would not give me points then rewardia timed me out because ' I had taken too long to reply' and again I was left with no points. It makes me so mad.....but then I am stupid and try again. BUT now a week later I have decided NEVER to play that Onit game !
          • Danielle R 478487
            Happens to me too. Or the game just freezes. I have no option but to exit the game completely
          • Joy G
            Yes I hear you. Can be so annoying grrh
        • Janet H 854956
          It really gives you the irrits, doesn’t it?
          • MARGARET p 388156
            • Nora N 576968
              Very time consuming to want to get as much points as you want.😔
              • View all 3 replies
              • Joy G
                Yes agree.
              • ChevyJulie 1473189
                Where does it say how many points the survey is? Anybody??
              • EmmaChevyJulie 1473189
                It says it before you enter the survey
            • Maureen 1504016
              I’m new. Do you try to go through all the surveys daily to get them off your list?
              • Joy G
                I do this sometimes, not every day. Especially when I'm low on points near the end of the month.
            • Pat C 618241
              The older I get the less points I can expect to get it seems. That's why I stay with the games these days, Much more fun than being given 2 points to go away!
              • Josephine WA
                It’s all in the timing sometimes an odd coloured one comes up during the day.A week ago I completed a rose one for 4999 points.Just in the right place at the right time.
                • View all 3 replies
                • Joy G
                  I have never seen a survey for 4999 points, the highest I've seen is around 2500 and of course I was not eligible.
                • Josephine WAJoy G
                  That was the first time I had saw one Joy
                • Danielle R 478487
                  Wow,that's a huge amount.well done
              • Lynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                yes i am surveys are crap have been trying for 3 days and have been screened out everytime today have tried 20 and didnt get accepted for any
                • Heather the Chocoholic
                  I think it comes in waves, I can have a couple of great days, then it can be like pulling teeth. I got screened out of 50 surveys one day. It can be extremely frustrating. Thank goodness for games.
                  • Danielle R 478487
                    Me too
                • Emma
                  I know Ali it’s really funny cause I’ve made almost 400,000 points the past two months which is 200 dollars for the US on rewardia and I have made 385,459 points on rewardia so far
                  • Lynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                    what is your secret Emma you must share please lol
                  • EmmaLynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                    I live in the US so get lots more points There’s no secret points are Just more because I complete lots of surveys and always have ads showing for the games I play
                • Ali T
                  It’s so funny to read all your complains. I am with Rewardia for a long time and yes some struggles with surveys but I love being challenged. No one will give you money for free. Rewardia does. Why are you still here btw?
                  • Chosen
                    I give out money for free to lots of charities and MY time is NOT free.
                • Jenni
                  Yes indeed exactly the same issues. It is so extremely frustrating and if you report the lost points for a completed survey they just say sorry and make an excuse that doesn't help
                  • Joy G
                    100% agree
                • Patricia F 963178
                  Tried two surveys today and both times this came up. There may be a slight delay after inputting your address before the "Next" button appears, please bear with us! * It happened yesterday too. I waited and waited. Today wasted 10 minutes. what is going on?
                  • Joy G
                    Yes I get that also. I also try to put in my postcode but it only accepts the fist two digits, then the survey freezers grrh
                  • Danielle R 478487Joy G
                    this happens to me alot
                • Joy G
                  I have tried other surveys, two I started at the same time. One I have earned nearly $200 in two months, the other $50 in two months. Big difference in cash.
                  • DruidsTree76
                    rewardia is the only one who actually pays out.
                    • View all 9 replies
                    • Emma
                      Not in the US Vanessa I use a site called be forthright that only has surveys that credits me two dollars for every three surveys I screen out of and cash out 30 dollars on it every few weeks
                    • Patricia F 963178
                      Not so. I regularly get pay outs from Pure Proflle. Octopus. Mint Surveys. Get $10 every month from Roy Morgan just for being a member. I find rewardia very hard to get points
                    • Lynn-a-Boo @ BrisvegasEmma
                      i might give them a go do you know if you can do in Australia
                    • EmmaLynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                      It’s just US based that I know of
                    • Lynn-a-Boo @ BrisvegasEmma
                      thanks emma
                    • DruidsTree76Lynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                      yes I'm in Australia
                    • Lynn-a-Boo @ BrisvegasPatricia F 963178
                      just wondering are these USA only companies
                    • EmmaLynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                      I know yougov isn’t just a usa only survey company I do pretty good with yougov I don’t know if you use it already though
                    • ChevyJulie 1473189Lynn-a-Boo @ Brisvegas
                      no I just did a gov of canada one.
                  • David 1391347
                    Start with low value surveys Be patient It's the same issue with other survey companies And it's my experience particularly the one associated with coles
                    • Chris M 626341
                      This morning I was astonished to come across several 8000+ points surveys so I attempted them but got screened out quickly on all of them. Just wondering if anyone on here actually qualified for them and completed them successfully?
                      • Joy G
                        8000 POINTS OMG unheard of for me in Australia. I'm happy if I get and complete a survey for over 200 points.
                    • Pat C 618241
                      I think surveys have almost had their time to make their messages. Certainly the points on Rewardia would not tempt too many of us to keep trying to actually make money, It's really only the ones with good precise questions that tempt me to try.
                      • Grommie
                        All the time. Right now no survey will give me more than 300 points.
                        • Chosen
                          As the points re surveys go down and down I am continually doing less and less on Rewardia. Seldom do we now see a survey at + a thousand points and yet on other sites it is rare to see surveys at under 1,000 points. Shame really and no one from Rewardia ever comments/updates etc.
                          • View all 3 replies
                          • Liane H
                            I have 3/4 of my survey centre filled with Maroon ones most days with generous points on offer. Each and every one pays @ 4 comp pts each time, Never get into one, Grrrrrrr! All others sit around 400 or under generally ..stupid.
                          • ChosenLiane H
                            Never seen a Maroon survey in the 4 years I have been at Rewardia. It is now very very rarely if ever I get a survey of over 500 points and yet I receive over 30 surveys a day. Sometimes I wonder who does them at a return of a grand total of 20 to 30 cents for + 15 minutes of ones time. I like giving my input but as they say " fairs fair "
                          • Liane H Chosen
                            I have had the elusive silver a couple of times around 1000 pts .l thought they were going to be a new item but none for about a month now.
                        • Patricia F 963178
                          sick of rewardia. Hey piggy, octopus and pure profile much better. try them.
                          • View all 3 replies
                          • Emma
                            I’ve never gotten a gift card from hey piggy because it’s rejected the giftcard and as for octopus I can’t use it because I don’t live in Australia and as for pure profile for the US at least where I live it’s really hard to make Money I make tons more with rewardia I make at 100,000 points a month with rewardia which is equal to 50 dollars and over the last two months I am now a few more thousand points away from 400,000 total points which is 200 dollars for the US so for me rewardia is the best I’ve found especially since I’ve been a member since October of 2019
                          • Patricia F 963178Emma
                            Lucky you. maybe because you live in US that is an advantage with rewardia. I have been sitting here in Australia 2 hours so far, screened out with 2 or 4 points on surveys. told there would be a slight delay with another...still waiting!!!
                          • Ali T
                            Then why are you still on Rewardia? If some other sites are better and you sick of Rewardia why bother? I have issues with surveys but I like this site because I am very close to redeem my 1,000 dollars. Yes with the struggle and long time of doing surveys but it’s also exciting website and I love challenges.
                        • Cami
                          Yes struggling to get a decent amount of points. Not eligible after answering numerous questions.
                          • Joy G
                            Grrrrrrrrrrh it happened again. 51 mins to COMPLETE survey only to be screened out instead of points. Grrrrrrrrh
                            • Liane H
                              Not one of the gazillion Maroon surveys I have tried are working, purespectrum .Screened out before you even start most of the time.
                              • Emma
                                You can give them to me liane I complete some of them
                            • Mopos
                              It appears the frustrationS and pleaS are not being actioned upon. Maybe we could all do with fresh clean fluffy towels, it sounds like Allin could use a lot of fresh t o w e l s !!
                              • View all 3 replies
                              • allin
                                towels i got,, new car is in the wings hopefully next week,,,,
                              • Moposallin
                                Good luck Allin - I hope your recovery is going well !!
                              • allinMopos
                                tx mopos, a lil ways to go, have a lil procedure that should help a lot, coming up,,, but hey, wen unrewardia confiscated the towel thread, i was able to liberate 4 containers of Chinese fluffy towels,, i been sitting on them until i can find someone to start a new towel thread,,, maybe a contest of some kind,,,, where we can give away fluffy towels as prizes,,,spread the word,,🙂
                            • MARGARET p 388156
                              • Liane H
                                After today's little stint I'm ready to take my towel and wring someone's neck with it , l spent near on an hour on a slimy lime survey ,carefully answering all questions, Got to the end where they said almost there just a few more questions about you ...basically postcode and one other ,, then ok great that's it ! You're done thanks for completing our survey, clicked submit get a screened out msg and 80pts comp. I was battling migraine at the time too so really really not happy JAN!
                                • View all 5 replies
                                • Joy G
                                  I hear you. I spent 1hr 45min on a 20 min(ha ha) survey and at the end and was told I did not qualify. What? Grrrh so annoying
                                • Liane H Joy G
                                  Just not cricket is it? The survey company need to be taken off the platform and to be held accountable and give us our points .
                                • boy blunder
                                  There should be a survey code of ethics or they should have some form of etiquette, I think I am on a 10 to 1 ratio, that's 1 in every 10 I get to finish
                                • Liane H boy blunder
                                  That's actually a pretty good innings around here lately !
                                • ChevyJulie 1473189
                                  That happened to me too.
                              • Peter 1495797
                                Rewardia. Are you reading the comments that are on this forum. Let's see some response.
                                • View all 3 replies
                                • Joy G
                                  Don't hold your breath
                                • Chosen
                                  Hello Thomas ... are you there ??? ...... Hello, hello.
                                • Katzeye
                                  Don't be funny!
                              • Peter 1495797
                                Yes Joy G, I am having problems too. Over the last 5 days I have spent 700 minutes getting rejected from 46 surveys. Ok I don't qualify but do we have to go through the same requalifying routine every time and then get thrown off. Waist of time. If Rewardia wants people to stick around they have to improve the situation.
                                • Joy G
                                  I agree with you 100%. I try to get people to join but they last a few months and give up.
                                • KatzeyeJoy G
                                  I did actually manage to get a friend to join last year or it might of been the year before,she managed to make $100 NZ but left after that stating it's just not worth it as it was highly time consuming.She did play a lot of the games and actually got her kids to play them while she was busy.
                              • Danielle R 478487
                                Yep,I have been screened out alot lately. A Nd alot of error messages after I have completed the whole survey.and a lack of surveys in general ,just seems to be less
                                • Peter T 100083
                                  I was lucky managed to get 1000 points for two days today back to the same. Even tried deleting my cookies still same result
                                  • Joy G
                                    Lucky you...all surveys I've tried to complete have given me 1 or 2 points. No way can i get 1000
                                • allin
                                  still needing towels Joy😁 well y'all do, i got all the towels i need here in the hospital, i'm strugglin on gettin out of here, but will need towels when i get home,, or a nice big warm fan,,,,😉
                                  • Patricia F 963178
                                    Yes me. I am sick of being offered so many extra points if I get 1000 points in a day. 2 points and out every survey I attempted today. I havent got all day to sit here and try to get points. This is just a little bit of pin money for me not a lifetime job. so sick of it.
                                    • Gunter L
                                      Yes, there used to be a time when one could do surveys of any colour and received a reasonable amount of points. So it did not take a long time to rake up 50,000 points which you then could redeem for $50 cash into your bank account. Those were the good, old times. Now it is very difficult to find a survey that will even allow you to answer the first question. Even if you have got this far, you will get screened out at the next question or the whole survey just "freezes" up. No, Rewardia ain't what she used to be.
                                      • Joy G
                                        100% agree
                                    • Katzeye
                                      Sadly it's getting worse and they can't blame covid anymore lol..I have virtually given up on taking surveys from here now and only popping in every now and again but I don't see myself staying here long term unless things improve.They haven't even upped the points you earn from games so it takes ages to earn a payout.
                                      • Sherry 1493243
                                        I just started, but have attempted several surveys only to have the message pop up that I am not eligible.
                                        • Emma
                                          That’s normal here sherry but the points add up you eventually will get surveys because I complete a few a day
                                        • Joy G
                                          Sadly this is common.
                                      • APB
                                        Joy this looks a little bit like the discussion page in Technical issues...
                                        • Joy G
                                          Yep, put it on wrong page
                                      • Anh 1489900
                                        yes counts me in
                                        • Paul B 522937
                                          Yes but I think it’s my age that makes me ineligible for a lot of the surveys
                                          • Gunter L
                                            Yes, all the time. It's getting harder and harder to even get just a few measly points.
                                            • allin
                                              i'm still struggling getting towels after unrewardia took them away,, they want us all wet or dirty i reckon,,😁
                                              • Mopos
                                                🤣......... bring back the towels = a bit of fun! it's better than low points day in day out 😉
                                            • Elizabeth 1378480
                                              I am having the problem that dont qualify or by the time I see the survey I cant do it as they have their quota. I am not one to be continuously on the computer all day only first thing the morning when I have my coffee then maybe lunch time and then from 6pm off and on. Very annoying missing out on so many. The ones where I wont do but thats not many.
                                              • JANET R 328390
                                                Yes I have found the same as you. I used to earn a lot more doing these surveys - now it takes ages. I find Rewardia faults a lot more than it used to - eg I finish a survey ... go right to "thank you for doing the survey" then it goes blank and says I don't qualify. Have almost given up on them for that very reason. Very frustrating.
                                                • Pat C 618241
                                                  I guess surveys are not as popular as they once were. Or is it that as we age, there's less for us to comment about!
                                                  • KaysNSW
                                                    Definitely I never seem to get anything 😕
                                                    • Ram 1380429
                                                      I am one of them strugglers
                                                      • pam rae
                                                        ty Joy G
                                                        • Debbie W 69651
                                                          Having the same problems with the surveys. I try most surveys and have completed many but when it comes to the rewards it comes up as screened out or survey closed on some of them. How this is possible when the survey was completed is a rip off. If you get all the way to the submit button we should be paid no question asked.
                                                          • JANET R 328390
                                                            Yes agree - makes me mad too.
                                                          • Danielle R 478487
                                                            Agree,happens too often
                                                        • LuAnn 1433099
                                                          Yes, I am having the same issues. Especially during pure spectrum, I can't even take the survey. It's very frustrating.
                                                          • Danielle R 478487
                                                            Yes me too
                                                        • Matt M 461986
                                                          Yes, same story. Have gone from getting 20k-30k points a month (was platinum for a while) to now getting 5k-6k usually. The blue surveys used to be the best, and they've disappeared. Red surveys were pretty good as well, and get very few now
                                                          • View all 3 replies
                                                          • Joy G
                                                            Yes same here
                                                          • JANET R 328390
                                                            Totally agree.
                                                          • Danielle R 478487
                                                        • Lawrence 1262145
                                                          ok emma
                                                          • Sue2
                                                            Ive had no surveys for 3 days, so wont be getting the 200 bonus points.
                                                            • pam rae
                                                              HM,HAVE MANY ERROR'S BUT DOING OK CONSIDERING
                                                              • John 1411099
                                                                I'm struggling to get points because of occupations I do not work in
                                                                • Joy G
                                                                  Yes I get that. I'm retired so that doesn't help either
                                                                • JANET R 328390Joy G
                                                                  I am the same and think age too - or not buying a new car next week.
                                                              • Peter T 100083
                                                                I lost my status in December struggle. Though I am banned from two survey companies that Rewardia uses.
                                                                • View all 5 replies
                                                                • Helena 1455043
                                                                  You could try changing your email address and have your ISP provide you with a new IP address. Are you using a VPN? That is bad for them and ad blockers, but I guess that you know that. Anyway, I am awfully sorry to hear. Some companies use software programs that are able to detect that you have been banned elsewhere so it would be good to have the ban cleared.
                                                                • Peter T 100083Helena 1455043
                                                                  VPN they can detect that. I am Permantly banned and cannot email them anymore askin to be unbanned..
                                                                • Helena 1455043Peter T 100083
                                                                  I was not thinking of asking to be unbanned. I was thinking of changing your email address if you wish. It could be that it was the email address that was banned or the IP. By changing both, it might fix the issue because the email and IP is no longer connected to you. I came across the suggestion on another site in the help section, so I have kept it in mind if I need to use it.
                                                                • JANET R 328390
                                                                  I was banned from one company for "giving false information" which I have never ever done - and when I asked for an explanation of what they were talking about - they refused to say what I had supposedly done.
                                                                • Helena 1455043Peter T 100083
                                                                  I know they can detect it. That's not why I asked. Anyway, I wish you all the best on your journey.
                                                              • clifford 1465946
                                                                looks like u have seen my resume as i am old and a part time worker i get refused a lot
                                                                • Linda 1473555
                                                                  So annoying. I keep getting transferred. I think its dodgy and they just want access to our data.
                                                                  • Annette G 805380
                                                                    I have the error issue at times. But I am having good luck lately, already at over 2000 points today so far
                                                                    • Dave P 857147
                                                                      I have been getting better results and more money from the Octopus group they are bigger payers I usually only bother doing the games on here because of the problem with getting to the end of a survey and then being told the quota is filled
                                                                      • View all 7 replies
                                                                      • Annette G 805380
                                                                        That's so annoying when that happens
                                                                      • Helena 1455043
                                                                        The games are relaxing, and a least, there is more certainty of a reward although the gains take longer to add up. Doing the surveys takes up a lot of time and it is ever so frustrating to be told that you don't qualify after completion or you get an error message instead of the compensation that was anticipated. Anyway, keep going. You will get something at least.
                                                                      • JANET R 328390
                                                                        I quite like Octopus too.
                                                                      • Helena 1455043JANET R 328390
                                                                        This is the first that I am hearing about them.
                                                                      • JANET R 328390Helena 1455043
                                                                        Think they are worth trying.
                                                                      • Helena 1455043JANET R 328390
                                                                        Will do. Thanks for the suggestion.
                                                                      • Helena 1455043JANET R 328390
                                                                        I have been getting great reviews online for the Octopus Group. Unfortunately for me, the site is exclusive to those living in Australia and New Zealand only. They believe in keeping the profits local...sounds good, Janet.
                                                                    • Dave P 857147
                                                                      Every time I do a survey and I disagree with the current governments policies and environmental subject they wai until I have finished the survey and told me the quota was filled and my survey wasn't submitted this has happened on many occasions if it was once I wouldn't notice but it is every time so they must fudge the figures and give the client the result they want
                                                                      • GORDON K QLD
                                                                        I am in the same boat it is happening to me
                                                                        • Lawrence 1262145
                                                                          Joy G try changing your profile and your interests that might work. sometimes the surveys can blow you out but the games are fun and faster. I hope this helps.
                                                                          • Emma
                                                                            Lawrence that would not be a good idea because I did that a while back and my points were pending for a week and the only thing that fixed it was changing my profile back
                                                                        • Lawrence 1262145
                                                                          I have that problem to sometimes. I would just contact customer service that is not your fault. the vendors I think are having the problem.
                                                                          • Drea 1420968
                                                                            Yes, I have been getting kicked out after many questions answered. Also error messages and games freezing. When I have sent in messages I get the same reply, throwing it back on me I should check my browser, etc. I use my phone or tablet. I told them that they don't accept any responsibility for errors and that you can't send in any info if you are thrown out as there isn't a record that you started it. Very sad and I said just that!
                                                                            • Chin C
                                                                              Don’t play games on your mobile. It tends to freeze when you are getting to the advanced stage, somehow the system can’t cop and will just freeze. If you have to use the phone, just keep the games short. Usually no issues there. I used to play 2048 and whenever I got to over 20 000, the game would freeze. No problem when I played it on my laptop.
                                                                          • Allegra 1491595
                                                                            Yes! Get half way through and they shut me down! I've already voice my opinion on what the meaning of survey is... ridiculous and I'm finding it to be a waste of time.
                                                                            • APB
                                                                              I did a tech page on this..everything is tied into cycles for no reason at get to answer surveys..everything pays well..(all the games) the more surveys you attempt...the fewer you get..until you get nothing...everything else dies too...give it a couple of get surveys again and lots of points elsewhere too..and off we go makes no sense at all.... as David says below...its a mental challenge!
                                                                              • Joy G
                                                                                Thank you APB. I'll do this.
                                                                              • allin
                                                                                so if i buy a bi cycle my chances will increase?
                                                                            • Emma
                                                                              No I’m not having that trouble with the surveys and games I’ve been making 100,000 points every month it could have something to do with the fact that I live in the United States
                                                                              • View all 6 replies
                                                                              • Joy G
                                                                                I'm sure the people in USA have a much better chance of getting surveys. Wow 100,000 points a month unheard of by me.
                                                                              • Emma
                                                                                What are the points like there joy cause for rewardia in the United States 2,000 points equals 1 dollar
                                                                              • Drea 1420968
                                                                                Nope 😉
                                                                              • Chin CEmma
                                                                                That’s worse than in Australia. For us, 1000 points equal $1.
                                                                              • EmmaChin C
                                                                                It’s actually better though because I earn 10,000 or more points a week and earn 100,000 or more points a month it’s so much better because I earn so much more cause the points I get are a lot more cause a few days ago I earned 10,000 total points and the day before that I earned 15,157 total points because I kept getting 200 compensation points for every maroon survey I tried
                                                                              • Chin CEmma
                                                                                200 (or 100 for us) is a lot for compensation points. Wish we have that here. 2 points is what we got, 4 if you’re lucky.
                                                                            • david j t
                                                                              yes but i enjoy the mental challenge
                                                                              • Linda 1473555
                                                                                Yes, same here. Surveys are time wasters.
                                                                                • Robert T 597718
                                                                                  • Debra D 624780
                                                                                    yes, I am, I go to a survey, says I will get a certain amount of points, do probably 20 answers to questions, and it will pop up saying survey is over for me, i get probably 4 points for all my work. It is very frustrating.
                                                                                    • Drea 1420968
                                                                                  • boy blunder
                                                                                    was having the same trouble APB told me have a couple od days off don't touch them ,advice i followed have earned 20,000 last month not what i was doing but a lot better
                                                                                    • Joy G
                                                                                      I'll give it a try but I only have 4 days to get my 10000 points. Fingers crossed 🤞
                                                                                    • boy blunderJoy G
                                                                                      good luck

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