General Topic
Highest Earning Games
Caroline B31-Dec-23 07:40 am
I know you don't 'earn' a lot from playing the games but what games do you find, give the most points?
I also find there is no consistency with the points awarded, one day you can get 10 point, then get the same score the next day (same game) and only get 4.
  • Janet H 854956
    As above! 馃槖
    • Kerry P 1257988
      Love getting extra points
      • Sharleen 1442370
        I love all these
        • Bugalugs
          Mahjong Solitaire, it takes a bit longer but is great Fun.
          • Bugalugs
            Cookie Hang Man. Sometimes Solitaire & Freecell. Surveys are becoming irrelevant for they depend so much on your Age and/or Gender. It seems to have been forgotten that we all, irrespective of our Age and gender have Valid Opinions, that because we are no longer part of the beautiful 20 somethings the vast majority of us still have all our marbles firmly in place, are not suffering from some form of Demantia.
            • Andrew C 287196
              "next day"?!? Some older games you can play to get 18 points (for example), then play it again immediately and only get 3 points. Like the quizzes and polls, they seem to just be random points awarded. Many of the newer games only ever seem to give out 1 point, so are worthless playing for earning points and awful to try to get email bonus points.
              • Pamela G
                Both solitaires give a nice amount quickly. I just finished a free cell for 50. I have got around 180 points from the higher levels of Match 3 Crystals and around 50 from the lower ones.
                • Pat C 618241
                  If you hang around for more than a year you are doomed to have ever decreasing points. Of course this depends on your age when you joined us. It's actually the lure of being able to chat with "live" people that keeps us loyal. How else could I chat to people in all states of Oz & NZ and to some of our other Rewadians in USA and Canada.
                  • Dada WA
                    cookie hangman, suduko medium, jigsaw, mahjong seem to pay reasonable.
                    • Dada WA
                      It depends on how many surveys you do I think. More surveys completed seems to boost games points.
                      • Pamela G
                    • Susanne J 766654
                      I like Cookie Hangman too..Good for the brain to have to think a bit.. Fills in my day if its miserable otside.
                      • Chin C
                        Cookie hangman is good as each answer is worth anywhere between 5 to 10 points. You can usually solve the answer quite quickly so it鈥檚 a higher paying rate in a sense. Drop N merge also doesn鈥檛 take long and I usually get 4 points a game. I avoid games that take a long time. I guess everyone is different so what works for me might not work for you.
                        • Pamela G
                          Cookie hangman is good for some quick points.
                      • Emma
                        The pattern memory game is pretty good I get 30 to 34 points for every completed game every day
                        • Chosen
                          So having read your comments I played a game, got to level 11, and then was kicked out and given ONE point !!! What a joke. Thanks but no thanks to this game.
                        • Therese M 73305Chosen
                          happens to me many times

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