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Scammers illegally using survey sights to obtain our information to send us SCAM texts
Edward S 49734726-Jan-22 05:09 am
Especially over the past few months, I have attempted to start and complete numerous surveys, which after asking for my email address or mobile phone number, I have been screened out; then since then, on a daily basis I have been receiving numerous scam messages on my mobile phone.
These scams include:-
1) A parcel is on its way
2) A parcel was unable to be delivered as they do not have my address
3) I have won a prize and must click on link to collect prize
4) I have won a $50 e-gift from Coles and must click on link to redeem
BE VERY WARY OF SURVEYS WHICH ASK FOR YOUR EMAIL ADRESS OR PHONE NUMBER ( these surveys ask you for this information supposedly to contact you again with more surveys).
Rewardia also needs to screen their clients more thoroughly to protect us members from being scammed
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