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Screened out?
Bugalugs30-Mar-24 10:59 am
How often do you get screened out of Surveys? This is Not the fault of Rewardia but of the companies which employ Rewardia to run their Surveys for them.
Today I attemopted to take 30, that's correct, 30 Surveys.
How many did I get to take? Just ONE
As soon as I entered my AGE and/or Gender I was screened out of the other 29.
How's that for Discrimination?
  • Chris 1483725
    It’s not fair at all
    • Steffani 1380000
      Does not seem quite fair!
      • Tipster
        Some days I attempt 50-60 surveys, and am lucky if I am able to complete even 1. It seemed to get alot worse when I turned 65, so they must not like the opinions of old farts like me !
        • Patty H 1117761
          Never felt age discrimination until I turned 70 last month and try to take surveys now.
          • Angie
            Happens quite frequently for me. After adding my income, I often get screened out, as I'm semi-retired and only work part-time in paid work. I think many companies are looking for a more corporate type to answer their questions.Also what Andrew C commented below is pretty spot on. Happy birthday Emma 🥳
            • Ernie 67
              I've never counted the number but I've had a few
              • Belle S
                I agree Romac, it isn't Rewardias fault, it's the Companies that are pulling the strings & I'm sure they get the answers they want without rewarding the points...sneaky.
                • boy blunder
                  i do surveys in the early hours or the late hours seem to get a 30/40 percent strike rate
                  • Debra D 624780
                    I am constantly screened out for no good reason, that is apparent to me.
                    • Belle S
                      I'm sick of spending time on a Survey only to get to the end & be told there was an error & get nothing for it.
                      • Lee b 979050
                        Yes adorable little aliens who are less than 21 years old are always discriminated against.. Shane on you rewardia.
                        • Andrew C 287196
                          Most surveys are highly selective of their respondents so they get the "results" that whoever is paying for it wants to get. Added to that is the statistical manipulation done, the targeted questions, and the blindfold on any other possibilities (as well as respondents simply lying), and that is why the results most surveys are rather pointless and misleading. It's also why different surveys obtain different results, leading to the "experts" changing their minds every other week ("apples are bad for you", "apples are good for you", "apple are bad for you", ...). 🙄
                          • Pat C 618241
                            Sometimes you are so frustrated as they don't let you proceed. Sometimes I get a good go at answering, but not often.
                            • Arthur
                              It is not the screening out that pisses me off but spending up to 40 minutes providing answers just to be awarded 2 points, even slave labour pays more than that
                              • Linda 1473555
                                Very disappointed with surveys.
                                • APB
                                  most of the time
                                  • Beverley 1411982
                                    Happens all the time but am annoyed when happens after you have answered questions and been on it for 5 to 10 minutes answering part of the survey....then wow you get a few points or none as it freezes....
                                    • Gunter L
                                      Happens all the time.
                                      • Ram 1380429
                                        Not many times !

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