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Give this a thought ???
Edward S 49734715-Jul-21 03:47 am
Apart from your family and pets as they are obviously your FIRST choice....
If your home caught fire and you can only save ONE thing from your home; what would it be and why?
I had a kitchen fire in October 2019.
I was deep-frying chips and usually once cooked I turn off gas before placing food on my plate to eat.
This particular night, just as I was about to turn off the gas I heard a loud crash out front, which sounded like a car crashed into my fence.
I rushed out front to investigate, found nothing and thinking I had turned off gas I tipped chips onto my plate, sat on couch to eat and upon returning to kitchen the oil was on fire.
I grabbed my fire blanket and put that over it but that caught fire.
...I was in my pyjamas and lightly raining outside...
Although the rangehood was turned off the flames began entering the rangehood.
I phoned 000 ( emergency number in Victoria, Australia ); grabbed my dog and rushed out front.
I suddenly thought I better grab some clothes in case house burned down; so with dog in arm, I rushed inside, grabbed some clothes then back out front....Smoke detector at this stage just started going off.
Once out front, I thought I better grab my mobile phone in case house burned down, so again with dog in arm, rushed back inside, grabbed phone then back out front.
By this time flames had gone up through rangehood into ceiling.
Fire brigade quickly arrived and contained fire to kitchen, part of dining room and part of loungeroom.
My dog and I were homeless for a while until we got a farmhouse to rent for a while. The above was about 2 months after being told I had lung cancer....We loved back into the house a year ago after waiting 10 months for it to be fixed
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