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Should I Just Give Up???
Catherine 18-Nov-20 08:29 pm
I joined Rewardia about 2 days ago. I have been inundated with emails about all the surveys available to take but am screened out every time. Either as soon as I open them or after spending ages on "screening" questions. I have spent hours with very little reward. Is it always like this? It's driving me crazy!
  • Kristina
    It is frustrating, I get them a lot myself. But I am going to stick it out on here.because it does help.
    • APB
      • Anna Rogers
        Join the club. I agree that it’s bludy frustrating, especially when I used to build up good points totals but am now being screened out more often than not. I too was considering wether I should give up but then a sense of “entitlement” for want of a better word kicked in and I thought ‘No damn it. You (Rewardia) wooed me and I’m damned if your petty prejudices are going to push me out now. You wanted me so bring it on cos I’m here to stay.’ So hang in there with me and tell yourself the’re ready, willing, able and ENTITLED to surveys and rewards! They will come.....eventually
        • Elizabeth J 447888
          No do not give up. Have you filled in all your demographics. I have been involved since August and have just hit the $52 mark.
          • Catherine
            Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for the reply. It's been a couple of weeks now and I have completed lots of surveys and am accumulating good points every day. I was just too impatient those first few days. Congrats on your $52. That's awesome.
        • Anna Rogers
          I can empathise, except my beef is slightly different, it’s like I’ve jinxed myself for praising Rewardia for enabling me to do so many surveys and earn rewards since joining. Because since posting my positive feedback over in Daily Discussions I suddenly find myself screened out EVERY TIME. I didn’t expect the bludy Victoria Cross for positive feedback, BUT REJECTION???? Come on Rewardia that’s hardly fair and what would you do if you were a bricks and motar business RELYING on word of mouth? Trespass any customer who gave a favourable view and referred new business??? FFS I want my survey rights restored.
          • Nauroz T
            Me too. Sometime I finished the survey and while submitting i don't get any points wasting 15 minutes of my precious time doing the survey. This is happening a lot lately I believe Rewardia have become very smart getting the freebies without paying us specially.
            • Anna Rogers
              Same and quite frankly it sux. If you’re going to be screened out it should happen at the basics is age, gender, district not 15 minutes in. It happened to me yesterday and on a topic I’m interested in and was fully engaged on. 15 minutes of carefully considered responses only to be told I’m screened out. Er no.....that length of time is survey proper and if you’re being stopped from completing you should at least get 30 points for your time. However Prizerebel are way worse and I imagine in my case it’s age discrimination. I joined on the recommendation of someone on here, and so far I’ve only been allowed to complete one of their freakin’ surveys.i know being a boomer isn’t PC nowadays (especially if you don’t have inheritance or house deposit money for the millenials) but I could ace surveys that’d have most younger people gawping like guppies but am being actively prevented. Thoroughly p’s me off cos I know if I’d put my age down (lied) I would’ve been able to do way more of their surveys. So much for r
          • Timtam
            Great this just happened AGAIN. So peel off. Completed whole survey very long one on gardening products amongst other things and get to the very end and when it comes to collecting the points I've been screened out! bullsh*t!
            • Linda Humby
              when that happens rewardia will give the points if you send them a notification. They have given me the points almost everytime I have sent a request about the exact thing your talking about.
            • Anna RogersLinda Humby
              That’s a great tip because yes I’ve had that happen too. So how exactly do you send a notification? I don’t see it listed anywhere as an option to click on.
          • Linda Humby
            Awesome. keep going. Ive had 2 degrees top ups and ordered a good book, and now have 32,786 points for this month. Ive had a few grrs and errs. But they- Rewardia, always stand by their word.
            • Linda Humby
              Hang in there. In four months I have received the following... 16,000 pnts,10,000 pnts,22,000 points and today I just reached 32000 points yayayayay!! Just get on there everyday and soon you will be getting rewards too. Happy person, linda
              • Catherine
                Hi Linda. You're going really well. I'm already starting to earn some good points so feeling much better about it all now. Thanks for the encouragement.
            • Jenny D 429636
              It takes some time to build up , and to built up a score , but it will many pluses to this survey site and very little's one of the best I think..stick with'll take longer than 2 days
              • View all 3 replies
              • Catherine
                Thanks I appreciate the reply. I should have been more patient. Just a few days later I have successfully done quite a few surveys already. I agree, it does seem like a really good site.
              • Jenny D 429636Catherine
                No worries Catherine..enjoy your time here ..I was a newby once will also say that when it comes time to redeem your points , there's no issues's a good site , it just takes a while to get your points up ..
              • ChosenJenny D 429636
                I agree with Jenny.Be patient give good input and you will be rewarded.
            • george d 469829
              same here!
              • Craig P 469035
                it's only the internet, don't take it seriously you aint gonna die.
                • Catherine
                  Thanks for the replies. I have actually managed to complete a few surveys this morning so feeling a little more confident now. Have a great day everyone !
                  • Amor Fati
                    it was the same with me, but much better now.

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