General Topic
Favourite Sayings..
mary c14-Aug-22 07:07 pm
Good evening fellow hard working Rewardian's..
Wondered if anyone had a favourite saying or even a wee poem they like or use sometimes..
Sorry if this has been done before.
My hubby can't speak coz of stroke but when lying down he can get out a vaguely clear "Woteva!" haha.
Maybe mine is "I need chocolate".
Comments - Page 14
  • Liane H
    So what's the John Dory? ... oh wait I'm sure Tom shall tell me ;)
    • View all 3 replies
    • Tom S Qld
      Red sky at night; shepherds delight, Red sky in the morning; shepherds warning Sometimes the phrase involves sailors rather than shepherds - both have a more than usual interest in the weather. The saying is very old and quite likely to have been passed on by word of mouth for some time before it was ever written down. There is a written version in Matthew XVI in the Wyclif Bible, from as early as 1395. The 'red sky at night' rhyme is more than an old wives' tale though and has some meteorological foundation. To explain why we'll need to know why clouds sometimes appear red and how that may be used to predict the weather. Firstly, why do clouds often appear red in the morning and evening? - Sunlight is broken into the familiar rainbow spectrum of varying-wavelength colours as it passes through the atmosphere. - The blue/violet end of the spectrum is diverted more than the red/orange. - When the sun is low in the sky, at dawn and dusk, sunlight travels through more atmosphere than at other times of day. The red wavelength is better able to go on a direct course and be reflected back off clouds, whereas the blue light is more scattered before reaching the cloud and is therefore less visible. So, we see the clouds as red as the light that is reaching them is primarily red....and how does that help predict the weather?- Presuming that your weather comes from the west, that is, the wind is primarily westerly. - The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. - If there is broken cloud in the morning we may look to the west and see red light reflecting back from the cloud, that is, 'red sky in the morning'. As the clouds are coming towards us there must be a chance of rain, at least an increased chance compared with the cloudless period we had just enjoyed. - Likewise, for 'red sky at night'. If we see red clouds in the evening they will be in the east and have already passed us by, giving a good chance of clear skies and fine weather ahead.
    • Liane H Tom S Qld
      Story / Dory time with Tom ...never fails to disappoint :)
    • Tom S QldLiane H asked.
  • mary c
    Clean-up in Aisle 5..
    • View all 6 replies
    • Chosen
      As they say in NZ .............. Jaffas away.
    • mary cChosen
      ohh now i want some Snifters!
    • Liane H mary c
      Snifters? A food type? We'd call something else that over here !
    • mary cLiane H
      scared to ask but do telleth?! Snifters are a green covered lol lol with choc inside- get them at the Pitcha's.
    • Liane H mary c
      I'm staying out of it lol 😂
    • ChosenLiane H
      Better to have a Snifter than a Jelly Snake.
  • Chosen
    Household engineer (wife/partner)
    • Chosen
      Red sky at dawn, shepherds mourn, Red sky at night your house is alight.
      • mary c
        Yeeikes Run Forrest!
    • Liane H
      Aquatic engineer. . ( Dishy or dishwasher ) in a Restaurant / Bar /Cafe
      • mary c
        haa love that.
    • Tom S Qld
      ‘Patented two fingered hunt and peck method’ – typing.
      • allin
        pass it over to me
        • View all 6 replies
        • mary c
          Rolllllllllllllll me another one..... next :))
        • Tom S Qldmary c
        • mary cTom S Qld
          What a movie man...timeless eh.
        • Tom S Qldmary c
          Yeah, every time I watch it, I only get to the 30 minute mark. Just want to watch the highway cruising and good music. It's ranked No.3 in IMDB's 100 best road movies.
        • Tom S QldTom S Qld
          Somebody should do a re-make of Easy Rider, but with Bruce Springsteen road songs.
        • Tom S QldTom S Qld
          They did a re-boot last year, but it flopped badly.
      • Somebody Kinda Loopy
        Don't bogart that joint my friend
        • allin
          the devils look like angels, and the angels look like hell,,, 🤣 anybody???
        • Tom S Qld
          'Jump on the bandwagon' - Join a growing movement in support of someone or something, often in an opportunist way, when that movement is seen to have become successful.
          • Tom S Qld
            "You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time." - Phineas T. Barnum, the great showman and circus owner.
            • mary c
              Not my circus..not my monkey.
          • Tom S Qld
            "There's a sucker born every minute." - Phineas T. Barnum, the great showman and circus owner.
            • Tom S Qld
              never give a sucker an even break - probably Mr. Barnum again.
          • boy blunder
            if you change the way you look at things the things you look at might change
            • Dawn B 1183336
              Another favorite saying is, " A cold hearted person is one who once cared."
              • Dawn B 1183336
                My favorite saying is this: "Love isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be worth it."
                • View all 4 replies
                • mary c
                  I haven't heard that before Dawn :))
                • boy blundermary c
                  enjoyed the vid cheers mary
                • mary cboy blunder
                  wasn't it gorgeous..thanks to mr Tom.
                • boy blundermary c
                  outstanding,mr tom is a good man a thousand blessings in his favor and I'll throw a few hundred blessings at you at you and your hubby for sharing it with me
              • Tom S Qld
                Money pit - something on which you keep having to spend a lot of money, especially when it may be a waste of money.
                • Tom S Qld
                  Like - my children's education. Where was the payoff in that?
                • mary cTom S Qld
                  money pit is on the family tree of cess pit?
              • Tom S Qld
                'A white elephant’ - Originally 'white elephants' were simply that - elephants that were white. Later, the expression came to mean 'a burdensome possession - one that is more trouble than it is worth'. More recently, the term has also been used to describe any doomed enterprise, on which large sums of money are spent and which is then abandoned.
                • Robert L NZ
                  • mary c
                    Like Sands through the Rewardian Hourglass...
                    • Liane H
                      These are the daze of our loives...🎬
                  • Tom S Qld
                    ‘Who believes one must always say the truth, must at all times have a saddled horse outside the tent.’ – ancient Bedouin saying.
                    • View all 5 replies
                    • mary c
                      I like that...
                    • mary c
                      We ride at dawn!!!
                    • Tom S Qldmary c
                      ‘Truth will out' - The truth will become known eventually. Then we ride at dawn!!!
                    • Tom S QldTom S Qld
                      'Truth is stranger than fiction.'
                    • Liane H Tom S Qld
                      The truth is always out there and it always wants to be found.
                  • Lachelle B
                    My favourite saying at the moment is....I don't have one but my dear Mary you have won first place for over 3,000 comments! This must be a new precedent! Congrats Mary, you have points but an imaginary crown my liege and my admiration! 🥰 Hubby will be proud!
                    • mary c
                      ohhh no 'tis indeed a group effort- with Tom and Chosen at the helm!!! i just down in the low decks with the stock haha. Moooo. Hmmm i am now interested in what a fave saying might be a your house tho..."for Gods sake you guys"...??? or "who ate the last of that leftover in the fridge"?? hehe.
                  • Vicki S 484904
                    Don't judge others unless you've walked in their shoes
                    • allin
                      how quaint
                      • Chosen
                        Funny as.
                        • Chosen
                          • Chosen
                            Oh dear how sad.
                            • mary c
                              Never mind....
                          • Chosen
                            Good grief.
                            • Chosen
                              What now.
                              • Chosen
                                Not Interested.
                                • allin
                                  well i declare,,,
                                  • View all 3 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    What can i do for you today Officer?
                                  • allinmary c
                                    y'all come back now,,,,
                                  • mary callin
                                    ya hear??
                                • APB
                                  Mary C now occupies the three top places in General topics...a bit like the Beatles in their hey day...poor Liane is struggling at number 4....
                                  • View all 6 replies
                                  • Liane H
                                    What should I sing? love ,love me do .. ah l'm more than happy to let Mary kept her ever glowing crown! It does become her so 👑
                                  • Tom S QldLiane H
                                    Nowhere Man
                                  • Tom S QldLiane H
                                  • Tom S QldLiane H
                                    With a little help from my friends
                                  • mary c
                                    Holy guacamole. .this is Tom's page and Captain Chosen- i just one of the the backup singers. Liane and me are starting a band... Come on then mr A- get thee up to the top of the volcanic Rewardia peaks before they crumble to oblivion. We are waiting there for you haha with a gift.
                                  • Tom S QldLiane H
                                    She said, she said
                                • Tom S Qld
                                  ‘Bean counter’ - is mostly used for an accountant but in a disapproving way. It is used for accountants who are very fussy and excessively concerned about a correct statistical record. The phrase “bean counter” might have originated from the United States. It was first printed in a newspaper, Lewiston Evening Journal, in 1907 in its June publication. The following sentence appeared in the print, “The Clerk, seeing himself worsted by numbers… walked over to the bean counter where he again busied himself putting up packages for the evening trade.” Believe it or not, there is a National Bean Counter Day for all accountants. Observed every year on April 16th, this day is the day off for the accountants who put in so many efforts in preparing the taxes etc. I’ve checked it and it’s true.
                                  • View all 7 replies
                                  • Liane H
                                    Not beans again! ..No no no I actually went to school with the girl who uttered those words for the ad campaign . You can well imagine the poor girl's plight !
                                  • mary cLiane H
                                    ok...can i stop myself from a wee ditty about them ms L??
                                  • Liane H mary c
                                    well if it's a dirty ditty Mary you may have to pass it by the P.C brigade first but meh, u could just go for it ? !
                                  • mary cLiane H
                                    Clean as a good Convent girl 😉 Beans Beans The Magical Fruit...know the end? it could also be utilized on another page.?
                                  • Liane H mary c
                                    Oh a fruity froot Toot toot ?
                                  • mary cLiane H
                                    hehe toot toot beep beep :))
                                  • Tom S Qldmary c
                                • Tom S Qld
                                  A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.
                                  • View all 5 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    are you still having nightmares about our road trip Tom?!!
                                  • Tom S Qldmary c
                                    Amaxophobia – I’m a quivering, shaking wreck, an emotional crying mess, from just thinking about it.
                                  • Liane H Tom S Qld
                                    Have a Bex and wee lie down ... just think positive thoughts ,,hah!
                                  • Tom S QldLiane H
                                    You’re right as usual Liane, I’ll just settle down and relax, might watch something calm and soothing.
                                  • Tom S QldTom S Qld
                                    I know - Formula 1: Drive to Survive, that should do it.
                                • mary c
                                  Failure to Launch... pertaining to todays misbehaving rocket.
                                  • View all 7 replies
                                  • Chosen
                                    Like a .......... " rocket in my pocket "
                                  • mary cChosen
                                    no you didn't... is that a banana or...
                                  • Chosenmary c
                                    No comment.
                                  • mary cChosen
                                    Taking the 5th eh? 😉
                                  • Chosenmary c
                                    As the favourite saying goes ..... No surprises there
                                  • mary cChosen
                                    To be sure to be sure :))
                                  • Tom S QldChosen
                                • mary c
                                  "how many times have i asked you to ...." parent to teenager..
                                  • View all 5 replies
                                  • just me- NZ
                                    or in my case,,, me to partner lolol
                                  • mary cjust me- NZ
                                    oh yes of course..just as bad eh haha.
                                  • Tom S Qld
                                    Not necessarily a teenager, my next-door neighbor has a grown son (28) who come and visits. She's a schoolteacher and every time she comes home from work - "I thought I asked you to ..."
                                  • mary cTom S Qld
                                    haha..sigh true re the "grownup kids". Glad we not grownups.
                                  • just me- NZTom S Qld
                                • Susan KTC
                                  Us kiwis have a few beauties - she’s such a dag/she’s so funny, rattle your dags/hurry up, sweet as/good job fine, She’ll be right/a classic for no worries, it’s all good, everything will be fine, We’re a pretty laid back bunch…😜
                                  • mary c
                                    aah we did don't we?..i say "its all good' quite often :))
                                • Tom S Qld
                                  ‘A wigwam for a goose's bridle’ - is a phrase, meaning something absurd or a nonsense object, or latterly "none of your business". It is an old English phrase from the United Kingdom which later found particular favor in Australia, where its first recorded use is in 1917, and also in New Zealand. ‘Capable of making a wigwam for a goose’s bridle out of shoelaces and old rope if the need arises.’
                                  • Tom S Qld
                                    ‘If it’s stupid and it works – it ain’t stupid’ – Australian diggers in WW2 defending the besieged town of Tobruk found that captured Italian flour which had turned rotten, when mixed with sea water, turned as hard as concrete and was therefore used in the construction of defenses.
                                    • mary c
                                      Tom you must go check out a post from Dianne- re the name of the Lake in her town. Its the forum about something special about the place you live in. The Lakes name is in the Guinness Book of Records.
                                  • Tom S Qld
                                    'Foot in the door' - An introduction or way into something, made in order that progress may be made later. We now use 'foot in the door' in a figurative sense, with a similar meaning to 'the thin end of the wedge'. Back in the day, it was the technique of jamming a foot in the door to prevent it closing, used by door-to-door salesmen and political canvassers, that gave us this figurative use of the term.
                                    • View all 3 replies
                                    • mary c
                                      not to be confused with one foot in the grave eh..
                                    • Tom S Qldmary c
                                    • mary cTom S Qld
                                      that was gorgeous...i think me and hubby might have to put that on our list of old brit shows to watch. We are watching some Only Fools and Horses and Steptoe and Son; and also a funny one called Two Doors Down. Some v funny characters in it.
                                  • Tom S Qld
                                    'Early to bed and early to rise makes and man healthy, wealthy and wise' - The length and precision of this saying leaves little room for interpretation as to its meaning. Like many improving mottos, for example 'a rolling stone gathers no moss’ and 'a stitch in time saves nine', it was an encouragement to hard, diligent work.
                                    • View all 5 replies
                                    • Tom S Qld
                                      On a personal note - I've tried this, and it doesn't work. Although I was a shift worker for most of my life, so that may be why.
                                    • mary cTom S Qld
                                      Shift work not good for the health. Glad you are not doing any more!! Early to rise just makes me more tired n cranky haha.
                                    • Liane H
                                      'A stitch in time' is more effective for working smarter not harder hey? Preventing a problem from becoming a worse one. Put one stitch in a hole in your sock before it becomes a bigger one otherwise you'll need to use nine...
                                    • Tom S QldLiane H
                                      Yep. All superfluous now though. If I have a hole in my sock (whoops, almost misspelt that), I just buy another pair. I'm part of the 'disposable generation'.
                                    • Liane H Tom S Qld
                                      😂 saved by spell check? The stitch theory also works on jumpers and other assorted cloth items.. .But agree ,it is tempting to pack up the needle and thread to get a whole new outfit instead ! ( shaameful)
                                  • allin
                                    on the bright side
                                    • mary c
                                      "Always look on the bright side of life..mad whistling.." poor Brian.
                                  • Denise C (Qld)
                                    I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
                                    • mary c
                                      Chewin' the fat.
                                      • View all 4 replies
                                      • Tom S Qld
                               is this what you mean? Not a very good name for a restaurant.
                                      • Tom S Qld
                                        Chewing the fat is speculated to be something that was done at leisure by the North American Indians. Farmers in Britain would chew on pork fat when sitting idle or chatting with other farmers. It is also speculated to be an activity that sailors would do. They would have hardened and salted animal fat, which would provide nutrients when on a voyage but would require chewing for a long time.
                                      • mary cTom S Qld
                                        I like the name!! and i like the look of the menu too! yum yum.
                                      • mary cTom S Qld
                                        Ahhh pork crackling..yes please.
                                    • Chosen
                                      Go suck a Sav.
                                      • Anton A 1225344
                                        Unfair suck of a sauce bottle.
                                        • Chosen
                                          Against the wall.
                                          • Tom S Qld
                                            Assume the position, a***hole! Heard that a few times in my youth.
                                        • allin
                                          up against it
                                          • Tom S Qld
                                            'Make a virtue of necessity' - Obtain kudos from apparently willingly doing something that one in fact couldn't avoid doing. It is also used to mean 'submit with good grace'.
                                            • Tom S Qld
                                              'The elephant in the room' - An important and obvious topic, which everyone present is aware of, but which isn't discussed, as such discussion is considered to be uncomfortable. In September 2006, the British artist Banksy set the phrase in visual form with an exhibit of a painted elephant in a room in the Barely Legal exhibition in Los Angeles. The theme of the exhibition was global poverty. By painting the elephant in the same bold pattern as the room's wallpaper, Banksy emphasized the phrase's meaning, by both making the elephant even more obvious and by giving those who chose to ignore it an opportunity to pretend that it had blended into the wallpaper background.
                                              • View all 3 replies
                                              • mary c
                                                Must google that so i can see his work.
                                              • Tom S Qldmary c
                                              • mary cTom S Qld
                                                oh GoodBoy..thankyou for making that easy pour moi. That is very very clever. Love it. :))
                                            • Tom S Qld
                                              'Hoity-toity' - Pretentiously self-important, haughty or pompous. Francis Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1785 "Heighty toity, a hoydon, or romping girl." O'Keefe's Fontainebleau in 1784 - "My mother ... was a fine lady, all upon the hoity-toities, and so, good for nothing."
                                              • Tom S Qld
                                                Hoi Polloi - in Greek, 'the hoi polloi' translates as 'the many'.
                                              • mary c
                                                ooh lala...
                                            • Tom S Qld
                                              'The more the merrier' - The more people who are present, the better an occasion or situation (especially a party) will be.
                                              • Busyasabee NZ
                                                Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt
                                                • allin
                                                  down the tubes
                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                  • mary c
                                                    down the gurgler..
                                                  • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                    Flushed down the S bend of history, never to be seen or heard again.
                                                  • Tom S QldTom S Qld
                                                    Donald Trump's future?
                                                  • mary cTom S Qld
                                                    or out of the ashes??
                                                • Tom S Qld
                                                  'Bats in the belfry' - Crazy; eccentric. Bats are, of course, the erratically flying mammals and 'belfries' are bell towers, sometimes found at the top of churches. 'Bats in the belfry' refers to someone who acts as though he has bats careering around his topmost part, that is, his head. The use of 'bats' and 'batty' to denote odd behavior originated around the same time as 'bats in the belfry' and the terms are clearly related. Does any of this ring a bell with you, Mary?
                                                  • mary c
                                                    haha Tom as soon as i saw the first line i was hearing my own bats flapping around in my cranial belfry ;))
                                                • Tom S Qld
                                                  'Elbow grease' - Energetic labour. It has long been said that the best sort of furniture polish is 'elbow-grease', that is, there is no substitute for hard rubbing to create a lustrous shine. In Danish they have 'knofedt', which translates as 'knuckle fat'.
                                                  • Tom S Qld
                                                    ‘The dream police’ - about a paranoid man who is convinced that his dreams are being monitored, and it's driving him insane. No matter what he does, the "Dream Police" are always inside his head and waiting to arrest him.
                                                    • View all 5 replies
                                                    • mary c
                                                      haaa was hoping it was that song- well done Professori!
                                                    • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                      Thought police
                                                    • Tom S QldTom S Qld
                                                      fashion police
                                                    • Liane H
                                                      That's still an absolute banger track !
                                                    • mary cLiane H
                                                      and frightening apt at times eh..
                                                  • Tom S Qld
                                                    'In a nutshell' - In a few words; concisely stated.
                                                    • Tom S Qld
                                                      'Labrador ears' - Men only (mostly husbands) when a man only hears what he wants to hear. (hear, hear!)
                                                      • mary c
                                                        I haven't "heard" that one before..i would extend that to Basset Hound ears even..
                                                    • Melinda B 11569
                                                      In one ear and out the other
                                                      • Grommie
                                                        Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. Not a mile. An ell is a tailor's measurement of 45 inches. Eat umble pie. Not humble. Umbles are deer entrails. So you're very poor if you're reduced to eating umbles. Lots more sayings have been bastardised.. Want some more?
                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                          ‘Chick flick' - A film with characterization and storylines that appeal especially to women. The commonly understood meaning of the term came with a spate of films that had appeal to women. Foremost amongst these was the 1991 film 'Thelma & Louise', starring Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis.
                                                          • View all 16 replies
                                                          • Liane H
                                                            Best goddamn lil chick flick out there!
                                                          • Tom S QldLiane H
                                                            Damn and took his hat as well. Now I have to watch this again. You go girls! I'm getting back in touch with my feminine side.
                                                          • Liane H Tom S Qld
                                                            Greatest blasting ever lol! She's good robbing the liquor store too. ( Thelma) Just so oo Poliìte 🙂
                                                          • Tom S QldLiane H
                                                            I'll watch it on Saturday. This film also heralded Brad Pitt in one of this 1st major roles.
                                                          • Liane H Tom S Qld
                                                            Oh yeah ..we DO remember!
                                                          • mary c
                                                            Room in the back seat for you Tom..!! we leave at Dusk.. Liane at the wheel?!
                                                          • Liane H mary c
                                                            You're the one with the lead foot Mary ,I'm gonna let you drive while i think about all the things we have to get done . Life being a rebel without a cause takes a lot of planning you know ;)
                                                          • Tom S QldLiane H
                                                            You mean 'rebel without a pause' - nonstop.
                                                          • mary cLiane H
                                                            haha so i'm da scrawny brawn at the wheel and you da brains 😉😜
                                                          • Liane H Tom S Qld
                                                            It's tough at the top Tom ..:)
                                                          • Liane H mary c
                                                            Ohhh me thinks you are way too modest there young Mary 😂
                                                          • mary cLiane H
                                                            My squirrel Tail is bristling with embarrassment haha.😉
                                                          • Liane H mary c
                                                            You're the brains is what I was meaning,think I got my Road maps and V..i.p rebel notepapers mixed up in all this getaway excitement.. But we can toss that guy's hat 🧢, heads or tails who's driving us over the caynon ?
                                                          • Tom S QldLiane H
                                                            I'll do it, anything to get rid of you two..... no wait, that puts me in the car as well....Oh shit!....this isn't going to end the way I thought it would.
                                                          • mary cTom S Qld
                                                            hehe Tom you KNOW you need us.. even if we DRIVE you Batty! ;))
                                                          • Liane H mary c
                                                            I think we know ,per transcript word for word % who would be LEAST likely to need to bring along the noise cancelling 🎧 ???! (Though we will soar over that cliff with our brains crammed with all sorts of new found knowledges Mary !)
                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                          'To have someone's guts for garters' - originated in Tudor England. At that time disembowelment was used as a form of torture and execution. The punishment of 'hanged, drawn and quartered' was on the statue book in England until as late as 1790. However, even then, the threat wasn't meant to be taken literally. Although the threat wasn't a real one it at least would have made sense then as garters were then worn by men as a way of holding up their stockings, a.k.a. hose. Garters aren't commonly worn now, and the expression has followed them into relative obscurity.
                                                          • View all 3 replies
                                                          • mary c
                                                            eeek a good old disembowelment...what a hideous form of torture.
                                                          • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                            At least it sorts out his hemorrhoid problem.
                                                          • mary cTom S Qld
                                                            So very definitely..and any irritable bowel or intestinal issues.
                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                          'Double whammy' - A whammy was originally an evil influence or hex. It originated in the USA in the 1940s and is associated with a variety of sports. The first reference to it is in print in the Syracuse Herald Journal, October 1939: "Nobody would have suspected that the baseball gods had put the whammy on Myers and Ernie when the ninth opened." 'Double whammy' emerged not long afterwards, as seen here in the Oakland Tribune, August 1941, in an interview with the eccentric boxing manager Wirt Ross: "Shore there's only one way to beat Joe Louis ... No man can lick 'im, it takes a syndicate and that's what I got. I've been taking a course in hypnotism from the famous Professor Hoffmeister of Pennsylvania. When I gave my big police dog the evil eye like this he liked to collapse, went out and nearly got himself killed by the neighbor's pet poodle pooch. Professor Hoffmeister says I don't get the double whammy to put on human beings until Lesson 9."
                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                            ‘Sod's Law’ - is the force in nature which causes it to rain mostly at weekends, which makes you get flu when you are on holiday, and which makes the phone ring just as you've gotten into the bath.
                                                            • mary c
                                                              Sod it!!!
                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                            'Murphy's Law' - The so-called law is usually expressed as 'If anything can go wrong, it will'.
                                                            • Grommie
                                                              And at the worst possible moment
                                                            • mary c
                                                              Oh Murphy's Law is always going on isn't it. Most particularly strikes when I do a job that i have been putting off for months- then something will happen that made the effort a waste of time.
                                                          • Irena T
                                                            A dime a dozen
                                                            • mary c
                                                              Clean as a Whistle Chosen?
                                                              • Tom S Qld
                                                                Like a duck out of water
                                                                • View all 4 replies
                                                                • mary c
                                                                  You are Quackers!!!
                                                                • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                                • mary cTom S Qld
                                                                  that vid might just give me a nachtmare Tom!!!
                                                                • ChosenTom S Qld
                                                                  I love Quackers and cheese.
                                                              • Tom S Qld
                                                                Muck raking
                                                                • Chosen
                                                                  I am like a ..... " breath of fresh air "
                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                    Snooze, you loose.
                                                                    • Chosen
                                                                      What a rip off.
                                                                      • allin
                                                                        welcome to the jungle🤣
                                                                        • mary c
                                                                          ohhh yes.....nanananaanannanana kneeees kneeees!!
                                                                      • mary c
                                                                        Song titles for Bingo?
                                                                        • View all 7 replies
                                                                        • APB
                                                                          Bingo the clown?
                                                                        • mary cAPB
                                                                          don't know that one. Wondered about Welcome to the house of fun or Crazy..
                                                                        • APBmary c
                                                                          Some of the people on Bongo are seriously crazy
                                                                        • Chosen
                                                                          I know a good title = Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
                                                                        • ChosenAPB
                                                                          As the saying goes " it takes one to know one "
                                                                        • mary cChosen
                                                                          TO know know you is to Lave lave you....
                                                                        • APBChosen
                                                                          Yes that's right Chosen!
                                                                      • mary c
                                                                        Then Answer my friends is blowing in the Wind... Baked bean ad?
                                                                        • View all 12 replies
                                                                        • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                          Beanz means Heinz.. Or SPC baked beans and spaghetti, for hungry little human beanz…
                                                                        • mary cPato Lo Duck
                                                                          Does you like Toe beans?? you know what they are mr P?
                                                                        • APBmary c
                                                                          Avoid the has beans
                                                                        • Pato Lo Duckmary c
                                                                          Never heard of toe beans..
                                                                        • mary cPato Lo Duck
                                                                          ahhh well i feel a video coming on...Help ms Liane??
                                                                        • mary cPato Lo Duck
                                                                 13 seconds might be all you can tolerate haha.
                                                                        • Liane H mary c
                                                                          I've never heard of em either?? Plus I have a strong aversion to cats! Is there an undertone to all this I'm unaware of Mary or is it just a Kiwi thing ?
                                                                        • mary cLiane H
                                                                          haha..its a crazy cat lover thing..a chch pal is such a lady. i'm a crazy dog lady.😉
                                                                        • Liane H mary c
                                                                          Well I have learnt something today. I wonder are there bear beans? Square beans .. Possibly.. google always turns up suprises !
                                                                        • mary cLiane H
                                                                          oh bears have such wonderful pads on their paws..haha not that i have seen in person..til we meet that is cherie😊😋
                                                                        • Liane H mary c
                                                                          🐾🐾I keep them dipped in honey 🍯 most days :)
                                                                        • mary cLiane H
                                                                          watch out for those pesky bees and Grizzly bears?
                                                                      • Liane H
                                                                        It's a Man's man's world. Looks like nothing ever changes ....
                                                                        • View all 4 replies
                                                                        • mary c
                                                                          I don't half mind Seal singing that tho...
                                                                        • Liane H mary c
                                                                          He's my hall pass. Oh wait ,I'm not married...
                                                                        • mary cLiane H
                                                                          Hey don't you start without me...
                                                                        • Liane H mary c
                                                                          better get your jandals on then and start running lol!
                                                                      • APB
                                                                        Life is what happens while you are making plans
                                                                        • mary c
                                                                          Replace Life with Sheiss.
                                                                      • mary c
                                                                        Vive la difference!!
                                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                                          Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.
                                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                                            'Man makes plans, and the Gods laugh.'
                                                                            • mary c
                                                                              The best Laid plans of mice and men...
                                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                                            'When two dogs fight for a bone and the third runs off with it, there's a lawyer among the dogs' - German proverb.
                                                                            • Tom S Qld
                                                                              'If you search for a faultless woman, you will remain a bachelor' - Turkish proverb.
                                                                              • mary c
                                                                            • Tom S Qld
                                                                              'You can't build a barrel around a bung hole' - Irish proverb.
                                                                              • mary c
                                                                                that sounds painful Tom..
                                                                            • Tom S Qld
                                                                              'Everyone is wise until he speaks' - Irish proverb.
                                                                              • Ted S 1204822
                                                                                And the Lincoln corollary. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
                                                                            • allin
                                                                              gimme all your lovin,,,,
                                                                              • mary c
                                                                                hehehe..and don't give up until you do!!!!!
                                                                            • mary c
                                                                              Gimme all your Money!
                                                                              • Chosen
                                                                                I give up.
                                                                                • Chosen
                                                                                  When in doubt, don't.
                                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                                    You cannot get back yesterday.
                                                                                    • Chosen
                                                                                      Every day is another day closer to death !!!
                                                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                        now i'm trying to think which Pink Floyd song has a similar lyric..
                                                                                      • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                                                        "Time" - dark side of the moon album. And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking Racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older Shorter of breath and one day closer to death
                                                                                      • mary cTom S Qld
                                                                                        Thankyou dear Sir...sad yet compelling.
                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                        That was a jolly wee ditty Captin C!
                                                                                    • mary c
                                                                                      Whats cookin' good lookin'?
                                                                                      • View all 7 replies
                                                                                      • Liane H
                                                                                        All depends on who's asking?
                                                                                      • mary cLiane H
                                                                                        I'ma askin' and whatcha' cookin??
                                                                                      • Liane H mary c
                                                                                        well ,for you ,the gas burners shall be firing all night. Full degustation menu .Your place or mine?
                                                                                      • mary cLiane H
                                                                                        So i've got me knife n forkski..where can your chauffeur pick me up from?
                                                                                      • Liane H mary c
                                                                                        VIP driver will be arriving shortly so just wait down in the lobby dear .. just preparing starters.🤍.
                                                                                      • mary cLiane H
                                                                                        oh Mon Dieu...swoooon. I putting on my best bib and heels. hahaha. That looks so good. And the audio.. Er not sure is this is out of the question for mains?
                                                                                      • Liane H
                                                                                        Too damn easy... save room for dessert 🌬💝
                                                                                    • Francis S 1044530
                                                                                      If it ain't broke don't fix it.
                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                        This is your Captain Speaking... Who is flying Rewardian Airlines tonight??
                                                                                        • Chosen
                                                                                          Captain Pugwash.
                                                                                        • mary cChosen
                                                                                          oh ok we sailin' on the high seas...ship ahoy!
                                                                                      • APB
                                                                                        If at first you don't succeed... try something else...there's no point in knocking yourself out over it....
                                                                                        • mary c
                                                                                          Said at parties in the 80's..
                                                                                      • APB
                                                                                        out of the fire and into the frying pan.... or is it the other way around? ...either way its not good
                                                                                        • mary c
                                                                                          are you playing the completion backwards principle again..
                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                        Some fine pearls of wisdom thankye Tom :)) "Top Notch!"
                                                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                                                          My stomach thought my throat had been cut.
                                                                                          • mary c
                                                                                            thats a bit of a gory image!!
                                                                                          • Tom S Qldmary c
                                                                                            ‘My belly thinks my throat is cut,’ as the hungry man said - Old Irish Proverb
                                                                                        • Tom S Qld
                                                                                          Geezer - Originally, a geezer seems to have been ‘someone who went around in disguise’. The word probably represents a dialectal pronunciation of the now obsolete guiser ‘someone wearing a masquerade as part of a performance. It could also come from the word for man in Basque, which is gezona. The Basque sailors used to call the English counterparts eh gezona! and it entered local slang. However, they changed it slightly to make sound more English. In Dutch, they have gozer, which is lower/middle-class slang for "bloke, chap, fellow, dude, guy”. Mostly it wasn't about age but oddness. Nowadays, in popular usage it is used to show an old man whose behavior is regarded as either eccentric or “elderly.” It had negative connotation in the past, meaning "an eccentric, unpleasant man".
                                                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                                                            'Let the cat out of the bag' - To let the cat out of the bag is to disclose a secret, either deliberately or inadvertently. The first known use of the phrase in print is in a 1760 edition of The London Magazine: "We could have wished that the author... had not let the cat out of the bag."
                                                                                            • Tom S Qld
                                                                                              Cats feature very often in English proverbs: A cat may look at a king - 1546 All cats are grey in the dark - 1596 Curiosity killed the cat - 1921 There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream - 1855 When the cat is away, the mice will play - 1607
                                                                                          • Tom S Qld
                                                                                            Don't Mention Macbeth - If you’ve ever had a career in the arts, or know someone who has, you are likely aware that saying the word “Macbeth” inside a theatre is strictly taboo unless one is rehearsing or in the midst of performing Shakespeare’s dark tragedy. Doing so is almost universally believed to bring about bad luck or even disaster.

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