General Topic
Alex H 48749809-May-21 04:17 pm
Isn't it reallly frustrating that you get to the end right at the last question and it then you submit then it says you were screened out why don't they do at the beginning so time isn't wasted.
  • Paul
    Just filed this with RW.... "Seriously, this is getting really bad! Answered full survey, took more than 30 minutes, only to be screened out after giving a large amount of my financial information & opinions. And even if I had been "Rewarded" with the 155 points (1.55 CENTS) it Does Not make any Sense!" Wasted serious coffee drinking time!
    • Margaret C 68385
      Happened again tonight - was halfway through a VERY boring survey and decided to check the current status of an incoming storm. When I returned to the survey, it was GONE!!!!!!
      • Alex H 487498
        Margaret hi - I know what you mean
    • Bung,
      • Margaret C 68385
        I also hate boring, repetitive surveys that don't make any sense or ask you to make comments on a company you know nothing about!
        • Margaret C 68385
          Has happened multiple times tonight. I do not work BUT I do not get to the computer until late. Also I get the feeling that if you are an older person, you're decrepit and brain dead. I might be 71 but I am certainly not either - indeed my general knowledge is better than some half my age.

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