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The 2048 game.
Emma S 117192825-Jan-23 08:29 pm
I'm so bad at this game. I haven't even managed to get 2048 yet. And my highest total is 6308. How are people getting 139k?!? Does anyone have any tips? I'm considering devoting the next 5 years of my life mastering this game, so any advice is welcome.
Edit: I DID IT! At 4:30am Australian time on January 29 I won my first game of 2048. I got one 2048 tile and then kept going as long as I could. I couldn't double that, but I did get a total score of 27,864. Exciting times! In case anyone else is interested, I learned some tips from a video on YouTube by user "TheSmithPlays" titled "How To Beat 2048 (Best Strategy Tips For Beating 2048 Game Tile)." It was very helpful! And thanks so much for all of your friendly pointers and moral support. You're a nice bunch.
  • Robert F 1161011
    • Emma S 1171928
      Thanks Robert! :D
  • Robert F 1161011
    Update: I tried 2048, made 1200 first game, 2300 second game, but only 800 the third game. I don't think that I fully understand how it works.
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    • Emma S 1171928
      I didn't get it at first either! You have to work out where/how all the pieces shift, and the only way I was able to do that was just keep playing until I got used to it. You have to get a 2048 tile to "win" as opposed to getting that many points. I checked my points history and I played 86 games before I got a 2048 tile! It's amazing how much spare time insomnia gives you.
    • Robert F 1161011Emma S 1171928
      I like Word Fit and Freecell. There are too many games here to get hung up on one that's giving you a hard time. I'd be more inclined to play 2048 if I didn't have to use the arrow keys.
    • Emma S 1171928Robert F 1161011
      I'm enjoying it now! I won my first game.
    • mary cEmma S 1171928
      oh have abandoned me haha..i still have no clue how it works and just hit random numbers til i am exterminated! well done winning :)) impressed with your perseverance- maybe i will return and try too..though it seriously might take me 5 years!
    • mary cRobert F 1161011
      i got totally obsessed with one of the block games- played it madly every night for months- now i can't be bothered with it haha. Overdosed. I think i realized how meagre the points were for so much time spent and i want points for cash!
    • Emma S 1171928mary c
      Mary, if I can do it you can do it! I'm so slow to learn games generally. I watched a video on YouTube by user "TheSmithPlays" titled "How To Beat 2048 (Best Strategy Tips For Beating 2048 Game Tile)." It explained everything and showed you step-by-step how to keep doubling the value of tiles until you get one 2048 tile. From there you can keep going if you want to, and some people have got up to the 131,702 tile, which is just mind-boggling. I won't be aiming that far, but I am enjoying the game now that I've got the hang of it! The points for cash are pretty abysmal, though, especially after all the effort required.
    • mary cEmma S 1171928
      Thanks Emma- might apply myself to the mission once i have got to the elusive 50,000 points..i'm not even at 40,000- has taken weeks and weeks :(( want- need my 50 dolleros!
    • Emma S 1171928mary c
      It is painfully slow to get there. I mostly only qualify for blue surveys, and if I try the other colours I have about a 10% chance of getting past the screening questions. It's not worth the time it takes!
  • Sweetums
    There's a strategy and unfortunately you have to learn it. Good luck.
    • View all 4 replies
    • Emma S 1171928
      Thank you, I'm discovering that! I've been watching YouTube videos and I've got my score up to 12,684, but still no 2048 tile.
    • Emma S 1171928
      I'm me, i don't know if you still want to know, but I did contact Rewardia as you suggested to get some clarity on the 2048 game. They wrote: 'Hi Emma. Thank you for contacting Rewardia. You "win" when you reach 2028 tile. But you can continue and reach even higher tiles, there is no limit. You earn points when you play this game and these points are not connected to 2028 tile or any other tiles. In this and all other Rewardia games points are completely separate from game score. Best Regards, Rewardia Team.' That said, I'm sure it's fine to play it any way you like! If you want to aim for 2,048 points instead of the 2048 tile it certainly makes for a simpler game, and you can play more of them!
    • SweetumsEmma S 1171928
      Well I am glad they answered and gave clarity and options. I knew they'd get back to you so thanks for letting me know. We all play different, like they mentioned you can. Sorry to have mislead you. I simply went off my interpretation of the rules here at this site, so I've been playing my own way all along. But I'm glad it's clear. Thanks for letting me know. Good night.
    • Emma S 1171928Sweetums
      No problem at all, I'm me! Sleep well!
  • Pat C 618241
    This is likely to happen to us all. Seems to be a random block. I've re- entered the game later and then had a reasonable chance of higher points but you only get miserable reward points for most of the games, 1 or 2 at best. I think Drop-It is more fun if you watch and see how the blocks fall and change their movements. Takes a while to work out the variations.
    • Emma S 1171928
      Thanks Pat, I'll give Drop-It a try!
  • Lyn A.
    I am not good either, didn't help today it wont even work, comes up "end of game" I click that and nothing happens-oh well went to other games :)
    • View all 3 replies
    • Kristina
      Your not the only one, mine comes up end of game also.
    • Emma S 1171928
      You always get the "end of game" notice until you get a 2048 tile.
    • Lyn A.Emma S 1171928
      yes but it wouldn't load from there. Not to worry the games are I guess a bonus for surveys not being able to be done
  • Bugalugs
    I have seen these huge points scores in this game (2048) and also in the newer "OneT Apple" game where entrants are shown to have scored between 11000 and 13000 points. The best I have ever done is 24 and less in 2048. I asked Rewardia about this but they were unable to give any explanation.
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    • Emma S 1171928
      I dd some Googling and apparently this game does generate some pretty high scores from people who have mastered the strategies (sadly, I'm not one of those people).
    • Sweetums
      Everytime I play Onet, I get 200 pts. It's my go to game for amping my point amount quickly. You just have to stay away from the corner having to give you hints and nudge you along when you run out of moves. You have to learn the best moves to make first so you have moves left near the end of the board, to keep making. I love it. It's my new fav. And I love 2048. As long as you get that 2048, you win. Google didn't help me. Reading the simple instructions before the game when you first start playing is all you need to know. The way my head works, that's how it works for me. Good luck all.
    • Sweetums
      If you are having fun, I'd say that's good enough, but I also understand wanting to know how certain few get such high scores when all is said and done. Happy experience.
    • Sweetums
      Also, the points you are rewarded are a totally different number from the game score. Rewardia confirmed that about every game on Rewardia. 24 is the points you got. Look up at the top or top corner and that gives you your high score.
  • Susan KTC
    Yes I agree with others who have played this game, one of the challenging one’s, perseverance is the key to most of them. I haven’t completely worked out strategy yet, my score has come close a couple of times!
    • Emma S 1171928
      I think you need to actually get a tile that has a 2048 value as opposed to getting a score of 2048 (this is poorly explained on Rewardia). I did realise yesterday that the game is kind of a big deal and there are articles and YouTube videos about how to do it. I watched one and did get a score of 10432, which I was very excited about, but the highest tile I got was 1024.
  • Betty 588797
    My 2048 is stuck. It's a blank board that won't do anything. Smh. It worked fine untill recently.
    • allin
      Betty,, right click your mouse if it comes up a blank screen and choose "this frame" next window select,, "reload this frame" if you are using windows,, i get those in games sometimes,,, it will bring you right back to where you were in the game,, ;-)
  • Loz C
    Good question on how does one get 139,000k. I like playing the game but agree the high scores can make you feel deflated. Used to only get 4,000 but then it has increased to around 10,000 - 15,000. So improvements there. There seems to be a knack with pairing but you are on the right track with going for 8,16,32,64 128 and 256 etc. Hopefully an expert will reply.
    • Emma S 1171928
      I found a video on YouTube - I had no idea it was a game people in the world outside Rewardia had heard of! But apparently there are strategies, as with chess, and if you master the strategies you can get insanely high scores. After watching that I got 10432, which was pretty exciting, but still not 2048 tile. I'll keep working on it!
  • Pat C 618241
    Perhaps watch which columns build hghest scores. I just mainly flick between side to side and up and down every 4 or five times each way. Play lightly not bashing randomly. I have scored the magic number once but we are being restricted - off stage of course!
    • Emma S 1171928
      Oh, well done, Pat! I usually just try to pair numbers as much as possible, and when they get to 16, 32, 64 etc. try especially hard to pair them. But the highest I've got is 256. Getting from there to 512, 1024 and 2048 seems about as easy as getting to the moon at the moment.
  • allin
    hey Emma, my advice to you is find another game, at least one that don't drive you crazy,, it is only a couple points, nothing to get worked up over,, i mean look at APB, he turned into a dog because of rewardia games,, now he plays bingo by himself for 2 points at a time,,, ;-)
    • View all 4 replies
    • Emma S 1171928
      Haha poor, tragic APB. I probably should find another game. I just want to get 2048 at least once, if I can.
    • mary c
      haha me cracking up...
    • mary cEmma S 1171928
      Do it for the Team Emma!!! i am behind you on this...since i have failed the mission :))
    • Emma S 1171928mary c
      Thanks for the moral support, Mary! I think I can, I think I can....
  • Robert F 1161011
    I haven't tried that game yet but I've noticed that all of the games have top scores that I'll never come close to reaching.
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    • Emma S 1171928
      Hmm, I wonder if that suggests they're not real?
    • Robert F 1161011Emma S 1171928
      They're real. Maybe they spend hours every day playing.
    • Emma S 1171928Robert F 1161011
      You're right, they're definitely real. I think it's like a game of chess - you do need a lot of practice to get scores that high.
  • APB
    I'd find something better to do!....
    • View all 9 replies
    • Emma S 1171928
      I'm determined to get 2048 at least once!
    • APBEmma S 1171928
      Oh well...I'm currently playing Bingo with myself...there isn't anyone else playing...I wonder if I'll win? ...yay I just won....2 points!!
    • Emma S 1171928APB
      Oooh - don't spend them all at once!
    • Robert F 1161011APB
      Haaaaa :) !!
    • allinAPB
      damn A, i played bongo alone yesterday and got 9, i thought that sucked, i'll pass the suck trophy on to you my friend,,, ;-))
    • ChosenAPB
      May I suggest you stop playing with yourself.
    • allinChosen
      he's a dog chosen, it's expected of him,,, ;-)
    • APBChosen
      I can't stop now
    • APBChosen
      like the monk becomes a habit
  • Missy Wyld
    Some of the games are
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    • Emma S 1171928
      I'm glad you think it's the games that are stupid and not me! ;)
    • Chosen
      Some of the contestants are stupid.
    • Missy WyldChosen
      you are a sad, mean person.
    • Emma S 1171928
      Anyone who tries that 2048 game more than once is probably either very intelligent or a little bit stupid. I'm playing obsessively in the hope of qualifying for the former category.
    • Missy WyldEmma S 1171928
      828 after few games played its pretty boring lol
    • ChosenMissy Wyld
      Sad and mean - Yes I totally agree with you Missy. Good eh. Thank you.
    • allinMissy Wyld
      no, he is a realist,,, ;-)
    • mary cChosen! back in it haha..
    • allinMissy Wyld
      no Missy, he's a realist ;-))
  • mary c
    I couldn't get the hang of it all at Emma- so gave up!
    • Emma S 1171928
      Glad I'm not the only one who found it challenging, Mary!

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