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Who will be Mr Trump's Vice President
Yankee15-May-24 10:40 am
There is only one person that we know of who is going to be running in the US Presidential election in November and that is Mr Trump.
The Democrat party may dump ole Joe because
his health may be so bad that he can not walk or remember his name by then. Of course many Democrat voters would even still vote for him then. And the only reason he is still President is because of that cackling idiot he picked for his Vice President. Not even the Democrats want her as President.
So the next question is who Mr Trump will pick for his Vice President.....
It had better not be another person like Mike Pence either.
And given the recent polls in the USA Mr Trump is so far ahead of Mr Biden that he is a shoe in unless the Democrats find another couple million of unfolded mail in ballots at 2 AM or have a couple of hundred thousand 120 year old to vote.
IMO the best choice for him would be Tulsi Gabbard.
Who do you think should be his choice?
  • Holly Cat
    He will be VP! It looks like Elon Musk will be President.
    • The ghost
      Who cares? He will never share his limelight. Now he has chosen, instead of one person manipulating the world markets for personal profits, there will be two, what will be used the old twitter or another social media platform.
      • Darren S 116121
        personally im not too sure if he will be president,theres a lot of rich and powerful people dont want epsteins client list released which trump has said he would release
        • allin
          he won't release it with his own name on it, lololol
        • The ghostallin
          That will be the dark black texta lines deleting his and his family’s names.
      • Jennifer H 722364
        His eldest son to carry on his fathers name and be trained and shaped by his Dad
        • Tom S Qld
          Google searches for the term “tariff” have spiked after the US election, as have queries about “Trump’s tariff plan” — spiking more than 1650 per cent since the election. Searches for “who pays tariffs” have risen 350 per cent since the election. Another question American voters are seeking answers to is - “Can I change my vote?”, which suggests Republicans are getting cold feet. Yes, really. People thought they would get to play takes-backsies on VOTING!
          • Tom S Qld
            Trump 47 (Trump to become the 47th President of US) merchandise and paraphernalia is selling well, making The Donald a lot of money. Democrats are urging Joe Biden to resign now so that Kamala Harris can take over and become the 47th President of the US, consigning Trump to 48. Trump would have to re-brand everything; the Trump 47 brand would become junk. Harris would be President for 30 days. It would also make it easier for the next woman to run for President, not to have to worry about the historical weight of being the first.
            • Janet H 854956
              Oscar the Grouch would be a shoe-in! 🤣
              • pam rae
                ty Debra D.. ( J.D. Vance)
                • PT
                  I still can’t believe millions of people would vote for a convicted felon who still has dozens of law suits to fight. Why they can’t see their country was being laughed at for 4 years, literally from around the world. BTW, all the lawsuits against the unfounded votes were lost in front of the public. Glad that I’m not in the US, another bucket of popcorn please ~
                  • Nicole 1546833
                    He won’t have a vice president because he won’t win.
                    • APB
                      Trump just chose himself a "mini me"
                      • Andrew C 287196
                        Joe Biden has officially dropped out of the running for the next US Presidency, with Kamala Harris replacing him as the new candidate.
                        • Angie
                          Wow Andrew C... your up-to-date relevant comments, accuracy and factual knowledge on all subjects, and your charm, continue to impress me!
                      • Stu J
                        Maybe a deep throat conspiracy
                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                          A felon of organized crime should be vice-president - since Donald John Trump is a convicted felon - LOL!
                          • pam rae
                            HI TY Rebecca W(s.IIIinois-USA)
                            • Thomas (Rewardia Support)
                              Dear Rewardians! Just a friendly reminder to treat each other with kindness and respect on our forums. We want Rewardia to be a welcoming and positive space for everyone. Thanks for helping us create a great community!
                              • allin
                                Thomas,, you can't expect people to be respectful of a traitor, or the folks who represent him, like this person yankee with this kind of crap , and you see no problem with what this person is posting?? yessir, that is someone helping us,,
                            • Angie
                              Britney Spears
                              • Stu J
                                Stormy Daniels - shes got the mouth for it!!!!!!
                                • Peter T 100083
                                  Roll on November. President Trump won in 2016. But we know it was stolen and the Democrats and media have such a hard on or President Trump!
                                  • Robert F 1161011
                                    He will pick whoever will follow his orders without question. He won't pick anyone who has a conscience.
                                    • Campbell C 184664
                                      Why is this rant allowed? Is there a question there? Oh yes there it is - on the last line.??
                                      • pam rae
                                        TYVM Susan 1265302
                                        • Janet H 854956
                                          Send albanese over there!
                                          • Katzeye
                                            And Luxon!
                                        • allin
                                          in here lies a good part of the problem, almost all the reps and senators at one time were lawyers,, why does a lawyer making a million a year give that up to be a politician, at 200,000,, think about it,, the wealthy folks here buy what they want from these politicians,, and i know that we are the only country with shitty politicians ,,,, 🤣
                                          • Julie M 1034433
                                            Unpopular opinion, but I'm hoping that Trump will be locked up in jail, and that the States will have to make a major change by holding off on the election and revising their system.
                                            • Yankee
                                              So in other words you are not on favour of the rule of law and a democracy based on peoples' choices. Got it.
                                            • Julie M 1034433Yankee
                                              No, but I think this election should be rescinded to make alterations for future elections with a set of rules including being mentally competent or not being involved in several consecutive lawsuits. With a postponement, could allow better candidates rather than an ailing potus or a fat, orange bully. That is all I have to say.
                                          • nicholas f 704522
                                            Trump is a criminal and belongs in jail with al capone
                                            • View all 4 replies
                                            • allin
                                              i agree he belongs with Al Capone,, literaly 😏
                                            • Yankee
                                              Really? Can you point out in detail which criminal statutes he has broken and the final courts judgements where he has been convicted? Otherwise you are just posting nonsense and defaming him.
                                            • allinYankee
                                              as you are doing now,, you wanna argue politics, take to twitter or x or trumps site, maybe he will gift you some golden sneakers,, but whateva you choose, do have a fine day 😉
                                            • allinYankee
                                              34 counts makes the cheetos spokesman guilty of all counts,, btw, we are all sending you out for a nice crow dinner,, you can even wear your golden slippers you purchased from the convict,,, 😁
                                          • APB
                                            I always wondered if that was a spelling mistake on Trump's cap..."Make America great"...or should it have been "make America grate"....I guess it all depends on your point of view....
                                            • Campbell C 184664
                                              Nah he's already achieved making them grate.
                                          • APB
                                            Mike Pence was a bad choice because people noticed he was there...he appeared to have some integrity...and his own views...what these two tired old men....with poor memories and a sliding grasp on reality... REALLY want is someone who is almost totally invisible... because if they were any good...or people noticed them... they would probably take their jobs away....Vice presidents shouldn't have to wait for the guy in charge to die first...(which is now getting to be a very real possibility) nor should the American public....the majority don't seem to want to choose between these two either...but have no choice... not sure how much Democracy is going on there at the moment.... as an outsider it doesn't look too good....
                                            • View all 3 replies
                                            • allin
                                              you outta see what it looks like from in here,, you may have a new neighbor,,,,
                                            • APBallin
                                              Great, the house next door is vacant...
                                            • allinAPB
                                              startin my swim,,,,,,
                                          • Andrew C 287196
                                            Everyone in the USA should simply not bother to vote until there is a candidate who isn't an utter moron. You really have to wonder why they keep putting escapees from the local mental asylum on the ballot papers. 😛
                                            • Liane H
                                              His court appointed probation officer?
                                              • boy blunder
                                                Elmer Fudd
                                                • APB
                                                  shhh we are hunting Wabbits!
                                                • boy blunder
                                                  I thought it was duck season
                                              • pam rae
                                                • Debra D 624780
                                                  Thank you Pam Rae. Very well said!
                                              • Lee b 979050
                                                His lovely daughter
                                                • Yankee
                                                  IMO she is a perfect example of an educated idio -if we are talking about the same daughter.
                                              • allin
                                                kim jong un,,, his BFF,, and trump is not worthy of even the prefix Mr, take your trump crap to his social network, maybe he will send you some golden sneakers, made in china BTW,,, do have a fine day tho😊
                                                • P F
                                                  Mr Trump's Vice President will be Mr Trump. This is because he thinks the rules don't apply to him and he thinks he can do anything he want just because he said so.
                                                  • View all 6 replies
                                                  • Yankee
                                                    Really? Give us some examples instead of ridiculous nonsense in your post.
                                                  • P FYankee
                                                    Just listen to any of his speeches. They are all like a Monty Python sketch. Outrageous claims from building the 25 billion dollar wall (that was never built) to the "First Ever" criminal trial of a former president. Out of all the advisers he had, in the end he goes with his own gut which is 99% wrong in every case. He does what he wants to. When your a billionaire you think of yourself above the rules. It doesn't matter! The American people aren't so stupid to vote for him again anyway.
                                                  • YankeeP F
                                                    Just more nonsense without any substance. When he wins the election in November you can apologise to the 80 million people plus people who you think are idiots.
                                                  • P FYankee
                                                    I look forward to telling you "I told you so" and believe me I 100% will.
                                                  • Peter T 100083Yankee
                                                    I would refrain from posting a reply. I myself would love to go full blast, but I do not want to be banned.
                                                  • P FPeter T 100083
                                                    Thanks. I will take your advice. I'm Australian and don't give 2 cents for Trump. I just hate how people still worship him after all the things he never done...STOP. Doing again aren't I...promise no more.
                                                • Chosen
                                                  Mr. Putin.
                                                  • Squirrelsmo
                                                    That's his favorite..
                                                • Pat C 618241
                                                  Well Yankee, we Ozzies can only look and wonder how it will go from this side of the Pacific. Isn't it about time that your Presidents didn't have enough young bloods ready to be featured instead of old grandpas like Trump and Biden? The $ cost of even offering to be President in USA is breathtaking!
                                                  • View all 3 replies
                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                    Derogatory Americans have the same issues we do on this side of the pacific. We might have younger prime ministers but their performance has been lack lustre to say the least. Its not about being a grandpa it's about executing the role effectively. Unfortunately both Biden and Trump are or have been at the wheel of the Bismarck
                                                  • GrommieLee b 979050
                                                    Bismarck was scuttled by its crew. So what are you really saying?
                                                  • Lee b 979050Grommie
                                                    Kevin rudderless
                                                • cindy1363903
                                                  God only knows
                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                    Hi I'm God you get 3 wishes use them wisely
                                                • Darren S 116121
                                                  I like Kristi Noem and Tulsi Gabbard,either would be a win
                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                    I like Tom Cruise or the actress from Barbie

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