We have a Rottweiler/Labrador mix that is 16 yrs. old. He is very protective of the children. He has PTSD from being present when his former master was murdered. He can't stand fireworks or gunshots. I also have my cat, Sookie who is about 15 yrs. old. She was a rescue left locked in an apartment with no food or water. My Son has his black Calico, Covid Kitty who is about 2 years old. She likes to quarantine in her room, thus the name. My Grandson also has a black Calico kitten about 6 months old named Ruby, AKA, "The Scamp". She likes to sit in my inside potted plants. She was born outside to a wild Mother cat. We also have Red Slider Turtles. Cheech and Chong, Snoop and Selena. We are building a habitat on the side of our house for them. We have them because we love them and they are all family members.
Pat C 618241CourtneyM1993
Where do you live. I'm in NSW and I'm afraid I'm too old to keep the dog my daughter found me. He's a pretty active 9 year old. Write via Rewardia if he might be of interest and you live near Sydney.
Jenny L 591463
Yes and I love all of them. We have a cat called Polly she is now 5 and is very loving and she is active although she has hurt her leg and we don't know how but she is getting better. Toby our old boy is now 13 and he sleeps all day on the bed and he is black and white. He has been all around Australia with us and he's even been to Tasmania. Then last but not least is our boy Max, he is 4 now and he still thinks he is a pillow puppy because that is where he sleeps. He's a poodle cross so he's rather fluffy and he's white with a little brown. He is always happy and he's a little disturbed by all the building work noises but we make sure he is happy and he knows every thing is okay. They know when you're sad, happy and they are here to please us and entertain us which they do every day. I certainly would be lost with out their company, love and companionship.
I had 2 dear old cats but they had to be put down because of health issues. Henry was 15 when she died, and Banjo was 18. I still miss them and love them.
Small Maltese dog. Was my late grandmother's dog ??
mary c
I have a cat living here that just moved in himself. So i have made him a bedroom and feed him- no-one has reported him missing though i suspect he eats at several homes but he sleeps here. He is friends with the neighbour's cat so they both spend their days here. Also my daughter rabbits are still living here- inside- she's moved in with her boyfriend- no pets allowed so i am bunny grandma. My brother-in-law likes to remind me when i was 18 and left home to study i left dad to look after my pet frogs- they also lived inside haha. And finally my wee doggy girl is here with me.
Pat C 618241
My daughter thought I needed a dog as my previous 2 have gone to doggy heaven some years ago. One of her "friends" persuaded her to take their rescue dog as she had to go overseas and had no one to take it on. I am now the proud grandmother of a 9 year old, untrained, furry little monster with the odd name of "ACE"- a name he does not seem to recognize. Thankfully most of my house has tiled floors. Don't get me wrong, he's actually a very pleasant little fellow but it's like having a new baby but one I can't put a pair of trainer pants on.
mary c
Ohhh hehe he sounds gorgeous -and a bit of work. I rushed out to the SPCA when my precious wee chihuahua died suddenly and came home with a traumatized cat phobic pregnant (unbeknowst to the SPCA vets)wee furry doggy. It was quite a drama but we got through. I adore her now.
my pet was my daughters and in the earthquake she went overseas and gave me her cat to look after and Ruby has been mine ever since we are the best of friends she cuddles up with me at bed time
Joe B 288252
2 new Ragdolls and the have just learned that they can jump onto the kitchen bench so it’s the water pistol from now on…….lol
a cat...no idea
...he isn't entirely sure either
..we just share space
...he doesn't annoy me too much...and the feeling seems to be mutal
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That's good, Yay my first response
actually the "That's Good" was your 1st response "Yay my first response", was you second,, so you will get extra points for that,, gratz and welcome aboard the crazy train ;-))
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