General Topic
Too much swearing/cursing in TV shows and movies
Andrew C 28719627-Sep-24 06:07 pm
Why do most of the fools making TV shows and movies these days insist on having the characters swearing/cursing for almost every second word?? Comedy shows, drama shows, etc. - they're all doing it. It's just pathetic and lazy, and completely unnecessary. :mad:
  • Angie
    I'm so used to it now Andrew C that I barely even notice it!! Welcome to the world of the Gen X's, Millenials and Gen Z's! I work in a local school and even the latest generation of Apha's can't tell a story without using expletives! Gone are the days of language without profanity (unless you live under a rock!)
    • Dada WA
      Remote controls are wonderful gadgets. They can reduce swearing etc. Just change the channel.
      • allin
        because it makes life realistic, how many of you folks that are complaining about it swear/curse yourself in life, there is an off button
        • View all 12 replies
        • Andrew C 287196
          You must have the wrong friends and visit the wrong places. I very rarely hear people constantly swearing when I'm out and about nor at home. It's certainly not anywhere near "realistic". In fact, the likelihood is that the continual increase of swearing being used in TV shows and movies is *causing* any increase in real life because more people mistakenly believe it is "normal".
        • allinAndrew C 287196
          oh, so the real answer here is your opinion, this not really a question?, well you know what they say about opinions,, 馃ケ
        • Andrew C 287196allin
          The "real answer" is as above: most people in the real world do *not* go around constantly swearing. It's simply another nonsense pushed by the pathetic, lazy, and immature (as well as largely incapable of actual creativity, hence all the remakes and reboots) fools in the entertainment industry these days. 馃槧
        • allinAndrew C 287196
          i must say, you are very easy to rile up, you talk fancy, but i pretty sure you go with the "my way or the highway philosophy" of an unthinker, you know, someone that is almost always right in their own eyes, well been a pleasure schooling you, have a blessed day馃檪
        • Andrew C 287196allin
          Take a walk around your local shopping mall, park, etc. Is almost everyone constantly swearing?? No of course not, because it's not a sensible thing and most people do not do that. TV shows are a fantasy, and constant swearing is another of their made-up nonsense. There would be many shows worth watching if it wasn't for the laziness of constant swearing and pointless soft-porn sex scenes. Unfortunately there's a whole generation of lazy people in the entertainment industry who think such things are "clever" and "modern", when in reality they're just completely off-putting to most viewers. There are of course many good shows that do not stoop to such gutter-level silliness.
        • Dada WAAndrew C 287196
          So just watch those shows that do not stoop to swearing and your problem will be gone. I rarely see much swearing on the shows I watch. Your choice!
        • allinDada WA
          oh he just wants to banter, you know, keep beating a dead horse thing, so i will oblige him
        • allinAndrew C 287196
          so andrew, i think you need to purchase a new TV that has a button/switch to turn it off and on, this way, you could have saved yourself all this typing, i myself like real life andrew, life is not all Butterflys and unicorns my man, i myself worry about real threats andrew, and swearing on tv is not on that list,, so bye bye, don't forget the off button 馃槆
        • Chosenallin
          Not true as my life is FULL of Monarch butterflies and lovely pure white unicorns.
        • allinChosen
          yes we know chose, you are the light of the world,,,, no, no, you are the light in the refrigerator 馃ぃ
        • Chosenallin
          Yes ......... " I have seen the light."
        • allinChosen
          when you open the door for a beer
      • Heather the Chocoholic
        Shortland Street definitely has more swearing in it, it's a recent thing
        • Chosen
          I sware and curse every time I hear them.
          • Denise C (Qld)
            Totally agree
            • Jennifer H 722364
              Lack of intelligence and uses the language them selves not s good concept for the young minds either there are so many words in the dictionary may worth a look .Writing a script cannot be that hard without this language I just turn this rubbish off
              • APB
                I haven't experienced this either...but I don't watch commercial free to air TV in Australia because it is totally pathetic whether they are swearing or not...
                • Doneva 1304059
                  Yes, I agree!!
                  • Dada WA
                    I haven't noticed that. Maybe I'm watching different channels. There is some but its not excessive. Mostly watch news, sport.
                    • Pat C 618241
                      I agree Andrew but if they tried a little harder to make jokes funny instead of lewd and horrible, most of them would be out of a job!

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