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Which would you prefer? A swift death in a nuclear bomb or survive and deal with the nuclear fallout?
Helen L 75021801-Apr-23 11:06 am
Now that we live in an era where the threat of a nuclear attack is eminent, which would you prefer? Would you prefer to die quickly in the nuclear blast or live and try to survive the radiation fall out?
  • Mrs R
    No nuclear bomb!
    • RODNEY S 668931
      won't be long and we will find out!
      • Matthew H 1150085
        • Robert F 1161011
          *imminent* I will always choose survival over death.
          • Carolyn7 P
            I will take the swift death. The horrors of trying to live through a fall out would only be a slow, painful death.
            • Brina 1213172
              Honestly, I have no comments on this Topic.
              • Sweetums
                I think I want to go to loving arms of my Heavenly Father.
                • Jennifer H 722364
                  A quick death is perfered as suffering takes it toll and lingering is more painful for those left watching
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    • View all 3 replies
                    • Sweetums
                      I can't remember what LMAO means. Can you remind me?
                    • Robert F 1161011Sweetums
                      "Laughing My Ass Off"
                    • SweetumsRobert F 1161011
                      Thank you, sweet Robert.
                  • APB
                    Australia has an extremely good chance of surviving a nuclear American think tank drew up the three most likely results of a nuclear war and in every case Australia was still sitting there....after everything likely to be fired had run out...however the Northern Hemisphere wasn't there anymore....or ruined... strange days indeed....Australia as a really major world power?..really?
                    • Sweetums
                      If it comes to Nuclear war, I feel it's safe to say God is going to destroy what is left of the Earth, if He hasn't already let it die due to natural lifecycles of everything, especially our planet.
                  • boy blunder
                    some aliens were touristing past planet earth and the tour guide says, the dominant life force on this planet has not long developed nuclear weapons,, one of the aliens asks, they must be intelligent. Oh no, the guide explains they have them aimed at each other
                    • Sweetums
                      Yep, ha ha, sounds right on, unfortunately.
                  • allin
                    bomb right over my head
                    • Pat C 618241
                      What's all this gloom and doom about. The world has gone through endless struggles but we are all still here, can we lift our game and lighten up a bit friends. We had a whole generation that went on this way back after the first (and as yet) only bomb. Who knows if any of us will be around for the next one!
                      • Sweetums
                        Easier said than done, Pat C. Some people are thinking about deep things these days, and I think with a lot of good reason. So I think it's ok for them to pose such questions, and if it's too bleak, pass up commenting. Keep the negative out, like you suggest, bc only you can do that. You can't control others and what's up in their heads.
                    • APB
                      Oh...are they going to give us an option?...I think I'll just take it as it comes
                      • Sweetums
                        Oh ya, APB, options.....right down to what do you want for your last meal and it will be a BIG EVENT, so what duds are you gonna wear? Better plan now, instead of taking it as it comes like you said.🤪and don't forget, I'm joking here!!
                    • Somebody Kinda Loopy
                      While a nuclear threat is eminent . . . We all would not need to worry about making a choice. So I will wait until the threat becomes imminent before listing my preference.
                      • Liane H
                        Do you reckon the ol blackcats would survive it all ? You would need to prepare! 🤔
                    • Mopos
                      Too much gloom and doom, positively.... neither.
                      • Liane H
                        What a thrilling prospect either or !
                        • william s 1041986
                          To die slowly and painfully with no hope of longevity where do I sign up
                          • Helen L 750218
                          • Sweetums
                            Love the urgency you ooze, william. ;)

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