General Topic
why are so many old picture polls stuffed into "Hot Topics"?
APB07-Sep-22 03:47 pm
They are not hot...they are not topics....most of them are mindless...more senseless padding to make it look like things here are busy and exciting....I wonder just how stupid they think we are...
  • Annette G 805380
    I havnt had any picture polls for a few days
    • APB
      I look like the lead singer of lynyrd skynyrd
      • boy blunder
        Ronnie van Zant,you wear the hat aswell ,
    • Lachelle B
      I don't click on hot topics but I just did and you are number 5! Oh and guess words does work on Mozilla but I have to wait for it to load with a percentage guide.
      • View all 6 replies
      • APB
        Hey what can I say!!..when you are hot , you are hot!
      • Lachelle BAPB
        Funny! You are now number 2!!!!
      • APBLachelle B
        hey click again!!!
      • Lachelle BAPB
        I did, sorry you are below last day on earth.
      • APBLachelle B
        Oh well you tried for me!!
      • Lachelle BAPB
        You're welcome, just put up a post but can't figure out how to do the link. Keeps coming up error, maybe because it's from a NZ news site and I can't copy it?

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