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The older I get ...
Tom S Qld03-Jun-24 10:46 am
The older I get ... the better I was.
What have you noticed, particularly, the older you got?
Give us some wisdom!
  • Michelle 1523614
    How each generation manners get worse an worse
    • APB
      One from Mr Dick Van Dyke...he is 96 and has just won an award for some daytime TV he is currently doing...."If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of myself when I was young..."
      • Karen H 596224
        That I care less what others think
        • Liane H
          The older I get , I find after bending down to get something it's impossible to do silently .. and no NOT what you are thinking! It's because your diaphragm muscles become weaker and your stomach gets pushed up closer to it so oldies often make a grunt when they do such activities !
        • APB
          The smoker you drink, the player you get... (Joe Walsh) ...I must dig that album out...
          • Sara 1519756
            The older I get the better I was stronger enough
            • allin
              the older i get, the more people i know in the obituary,,,, and some i'm glad of 😁
              • Alice 1357640
                The older I get the better I get at mathematics
                • boy blunder
                  the older i get the earlier it gets late
                  • boy blunder
                    now I am getting older more things are clicking for knees, my back, my neck
                    • boy blunder
                      the older i get the better I am at keeping secrets because i can't remember them
                      • View all 3 replies
                      • Tom S Qld
                        Three men may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. You would be the third man.
                      • allin
                        can't remember what,,,,
                      • Michelle 1523614
                        I hear you on that... my memory is getting tired
                    • Robert F 1161011
                      More efficient with my time, which leaves me with more time to do nothing.😏
                      • Tom S Qld
                        Knowing how to relax properly. That takes a lot of time, planning and practice ... it's not easy to achieve.
                    • Cher
                      There are moments of victory and defeat. Keep living you. Best wishes to all.
                      • Janet H 854956
                        I think I must be getting taller as I get older because it takes me longer to straighten up if I drop anything! 😆🙄
                        • View all 3 replies
                        • Tom S Qld
                          Or the fact that gravitational pull is becoming stronger. I know ... let's blame climate change on that.
                        • Janet H 854956Tom S Qld
                          That sounds like a plan!
                        • Tom S QldJanet H 854956
                          That would be quite a theory. If you could prove that climate change was caused by a changing of gravity and other fundamental forces that hold universe together, would that change the opinions of climate change protesters and extremists? How would the world react?
                      • Steffi 1419059
                        Best advice, we're here for a good time not a long time! Stop watching the "news"
                        • Steffi 1419059
                          Check your pulse, I sometimes have to look in a mirror or pinch myself
                          • APB
                            Ageing doesn't appear to be graceful...or gradual...its like snow sliding off a roof..whoops there's another chunk! isn't like the movies at it guys? ...the up side for me is a massive improvement in my long term memory..I can tell you the names of some of the kids at primary school and see their faces clearly..while so far not losing the plot about what is going on at present...and a feeling of calm and contentment about things... I have always been a bit laid back but this is ridiculous...
                            • View all 3 replies
                            • mary c
                              Do you have a link for where to get that feeling of calm and contentment please mr A ?!! :))
                            • APBmary c
                              Sorry Mary..I thought I'd need things to do when I retired...but I just don't!...perfectly happy not having to do anything most of the time...its a pleasant change from getting up early and going to work...I did that sort of thing for way too long...
                            • mary cAPB
                              indeedily..early work starts were beastly. I hope you have trained Lord Benson to let himself out for the early toilet mission..
                          • APB
                            I find the older I get....errrr...I can't remember what I was going to say now...
                            • jason M 1009337
                              the older i get the colder the ocean seems...still surfing though
                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                with age comes understanding
                                • Darren S 116121
                                  you dont need to do anything strenuous to pull a muscle or hurt yourself
                                  • Tom S Qld
                                    Yep ... it just happens
                                • Dada WA
                                  No room on the cake for the candles!
                                  • Nicole 1318329
                                    Everything gets better
                                    • Deanne 1520843
                                      More health issues, everything is dry, balding and libido is not to be seen
                                      • Kay 1476805
                                        You do not move as easy and fast as before. If you are retired, it is easier. You can probably do things leisurely. Just stay in good health and it should help you be able to do things better.
                                        • kathy 1520792
                                          the older I get, the more I realize that it is best to have few but true friends!
                                          • Holly Cat
                                            ...the younger everyone else seems lol. I recall several months ago, I was in a pet food store and started talking about my cat to the cashier. I thought he was a teenager. I mentioned my cat is 17 now and joked my cat is older than him. He informed me not quite as he is close to 30 years old lol.
                                            • mary c
                                              haaa i so agree...that happened to me today. One of my husband's Carers mentioned her husband and i thought wot the. a child bride. She looked so young but she told me she was in her twenties.
                                          • mary c
                                            resistance is futile; my need for chocolate is increasing; the urge to do housework is diminishing; to be continued...
                                            • Chosen
                                              What's old ???
                                              • Pat C 618241
                                                Somewhere along the line I find my wisdom has got a bit tired and patchy Tom. I really just like to play with all my fellow Rewardians these days!
                                                • Tom S Qld
                                                  Yep ... me too ... sad isn't it?
                                              • Joe B 288252
                                                The older I get ……the less I want…………lol
                                                • Tom S Qld
                                                  I agree with Red ... on everything!
                                                  • mary c
                                                    love it Tom- very funny- he's great eh.

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