In South Australia; Back in 2005, I was involved in setting up the Emergency Service Act that was passed as law in 2005. Part of the Act was to help all the volunteer Fire personnel combat these large wildfires. Yet, not a lot of landowners comply with the laws, and tend to hide behind other government agencies so they do have to comply with the Law. It s just like someone seeking approval to speed on the roads. As we all know that speeding is illegal and there are reasons why these laws are introduced to prevent accidents from occurring. But, the biggest threat is the loss of lives and property. That s why these laws were introduced, to help the fire fighters to have some means to control these wildfires. However, as most landowners do not comply, they are breaking the Law and getting away with it. Though, what the general public do not understand; as these landowners are not complying with the law, the police are using these properties as backdrops for photographic images for other court cases, making it illegal evidence; Including traffic infringement notices. As the police hand these illegal fines out, the unsuspected drivers are paying money on these illegal fines. As the police collect this illegal money and hand it over to the Government, they are handing over illegal funding that are used for paying state affairs. How many millions of dollars of illegal money are paid on state affairs? Since this law came out in 2005, how many illegal court cases have been heard over those years? 40% of the prisoners, should not be in prison. Why? Because of the altered and made up evidence, are used to make a person guilty. In my case, it was a cover up of attempted murder. |
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