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With the Federal Election coming up, there is a lot of talk as to who will win the Election.
Rabbitohs18-Feb-25 09:28 pm
Who do you believe will win, the ALP or the LNP ? Do you think the Teals and Greens will favor the ALP if they win seats ? Will One Nation win any seats ? If they do who will they support to get into the Federal Government ?
  • Danielle R 478487
    I dont focus on a particular party,mainly because as APB says,both main paths are disappointing. I focus on policy. I say this because I feel regardless of who's in power,especially now, we can't avoid the financial crisis we are in. Just gotta ride it out the best we can. There are some policies I completely disagree with. That narrows the field substantially.
    • APB
      "Two party" democracies have been unravelling for look at Australia, the UK and America for Australia and the UK..both parties are so close together that it nearly doesn't matter who you vote for...and in complete contrast...the US has two parties that are so madly different that they can no longer even work together..they cripple the Australia I think the ALP is just JUST slightly better... but both are very bitterly disappointing....I dislike Albo...but really hate Dutton.....and I will vote Green
      • Timtam
        Hopefully not the LNP. The last thing we need is repeat if their last 9 year full of rorts, corruption & funnelling of public money to their rich mates & into the pockets of people like Gina & Rupert et al. The whole LNP are better money managers is a load of absolute bullshit. Hopefully there will be more independents, but not one issue ponies. Not that Labor get a free pass either. They have their own issues & accept donations from similar corporations & big business, so are not immune to their lobbying. Best case senario would be a minority Labor govt, with independents holding the balance of power. Hopefully the odious Palmer & Hanson don't make any inroads Then the grown-ups can start focusing on navigating the treacherous times ahead, now that the US has elected a megalomaniac & he's appointed the oligarchy pushing their country back to the 1930's.
        • Jenny L 591463
          Not Labor that is for sure and we have only one other party to choose from unfortunately. May just donkey vote in protest.
          • View all 4 replies
          • Rabbitohs
            Well that will help the ALP to retain Government, but that is your choice.
          • Jenny L 591463Rabbitohs
            Any suggestions on who to vote in?
          • RabbitohsJenny L 591463
            I really can't answer that, I haven't made my mind up yet. But the Teal Independents and Greens will be last.
          • Jenny L 591463Rabbitohs
            I would vote Labor but I just know they aren't going to get in again sadly. Oh and interest rates went down. It's not fair see whinges get what they want. Oh woe is me.....
        • Andrew C 287196
          No idea what country this is talking about, but it really doesn't matter since anyone in every country's government are just useless fools, so makes no real difference who you vote or, if you even bother at all, or who wins. Plus, whatever silly changes a new government makes will be changed when the next lot get in anyway. This happened in New Zealand. For example, the previous government lowered the speed limits on a lot of roads. The new government has now raised them again ... a complete and utter waste of tax-payer money changing all the speed limit signs (and some case the numbers painted on the road surface) TWICE! Governments and city councils really need to stick to the basics and stop wasting money on pointless silliness. 😠
          • The ghost
            If LNP get in, the ones to benefit will be banks, insurance companies, the rich, and big corporations, the rest of us won’t be able to afford cheap electricity, food, gas, petrol, clothing and any other non luxury.
            • Lee b 979050
              If you want to stop corruption vote one nation. If you want cheap power vote Peter Dutton. It's strange how most people don't want nuclear but they love the revenue uranium brings which partly pays for social services they enjoy. Hypcrits. The most developed economies have nuclear power in the mix of their power production. They also make things like cars trucks computers ships all tye things needed to drive growth. Yet we continue to expand population by selling our assets and building train stations. Good on you labour. @pat c I'll vote for Mr potato Head anytime as long as he puts Australia first.
              • Pat C 618241
                I think we are all a bit off our stride on this next election.I shudder to think that Potato Head will win with his grandiose ideas of millions to be spent on producing expensive nuclear power!!
                • The ghost
                  Won’t be the voter, that’s a certainty.
                  • Rabbitohs
                    Just asking so you support the present ALP Government then ?
                  • The ghostRabbitohs
                    When they stop supporting the Pratt family and the liberals they might get my support.
                • Darren S 116121
                  lol,here we go again,dosent matter who is in,your going to get screwed,its big business that runs the country,our so called demoracy is an illusion,in fact i just read an article yesterday on how big business and universities run immigration policy,the australia we once knew and loved is long gone
                  • jan h 168699
                    I very much hope LNP and National Party will wipe out Labor and teals - of course the greens and teals will support Labor party and doubt if one nation will win any seat
                    • Missy Wyld
                      You say that like we care lol i dont. I donkey vote/ informal vote what ever u wanna call it. these days they r all as bad as one another
                      • View all 3 replies
                      • Rabbitohs
                        Does that mean you support the present Government ?
                      • The ghostRabbitohs
                        Only the donkey’s.
                      • Missy WyldRabbitohs
                        dont support any govt....they are all liars, cheats have no morals and are only in it for what they can get out of it (big fat pension).... we might be better off with donkeys running the show....
                    • Lachlan 1625998
                      any party who will tax santos and the gas companies I will vote for.
                      • Rabbitohs
                        They are Taxed now.
                      • Lachlan 1625998Rabbitohs
                        thats correct. I think we get around 2Bn in tax revenue for gas exports while other countries that export less gas than us are getting 70+Bn in tax revenue. Countries like Sweden and gulf states etc have significant sovereign wealth funds because of their tax policies on gas. We also pay higher consumer prices than other countries for gas. I'm not aware of any politician with a plan or even an idea to make a change on this issue and thats a real shame.
                    • Dada WA
                      Does it matter. The public servants who have a lot of say will not change.
                      • The ghost
                        I wouldn’t trust any of them, they all side shuffle, lie, dodge questions and manipulate, when there is something in it for them. They will sell out their voters at the drop of a hat.
                        • Grommie
                          your teals are a worry, but not as big a worry as NZ's Mixed Member Proportional system. Spike Milligan once said ..." one day the DON'T KNOWS will get in, and then where will we be?" Well, dear Spike, it's happened.
                          • Liane H
                            I just read today the greens state if libs get in the ongoing increases to welcome welfare payments which help for cost of living is on their cuts list so I think Labour would still win it ..but I can see Pauline Hanson pulling some votes this time around . Yes she's not great on delivery but she does say what a lot of us truly think ,,( and that is without the racism !) On housing issues and other ridiculous waste of money the government currently spend on. Whoever makes up the floor needs to really hold a bigger balance to make then more accountable , We are just going around in a crushing inwards circle. ..

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