General Topic
Climate change
Eileen L 83127919-Mar-24 05:05 am
People who said that they are doing things to save our beautiful earth are some off the same people who are funding rockets to outer space
It does not seem right
  • APB
    Greed..self opps..we are way too stupid to save our selves...and have managed to do almost nothing so far...going back to the 1970s...when we worked out things needing fixing...don't worry about our will carry on evolving..and will thrive again when we are all dead...just like it did with the dinosaurs....
    • Pat C 618241
      Well at the rate of current warming - water temp.26 degrees this week at Bondi, in the next couple of hundred years, Sydney's beaches may have started growing a new Barrier reef to replace the one currently going white!
      • Robert F 1161011
        We'll need the rockets to escape from this planet.
        • pam rae
          ty ChevyJulie
          • pam rae
            HI Dazzlejazz
            • Jennifer H 722364
              This situation comes in bits and pieces it never discussed on a practical scale and what great changes are needed to have and immediate impact it just seems to linger in small doses of action
              • boy blunder
                I heard a politician say he would lower the temps in America by changing Fahrenheit to Celsius,
                • View all 4 replies
                • Andrew C 287196
                  America could half their carbon dioxide emissions by evicting Donald Trump, but no other country wants the fool either. 😛
                • ChevyJulie 1473189Andrew C 287196
                  Canada 🇨🇦 will take him over the baffoon we have now,Justinflation oops I mean Truedump !
                • ChevyJulie 1473189
                  Perfect but I don't think the people will like it, I know I am Canadian and I was right at the age where they switched us from miles to km, inches for CM gallon,to litre and so on. That to me permanently screwed up my figuring things, for instance 2.2kg = 1lb so, I'm anorexic in kg, but normal in lbs, I feel freakishly tall when I say I'm 165 cm tall and trust me I ONLY know how tall that is, because I memorized my height in feet. But ask me how tall a 6ft person is in cm and I haven't got a clue. Its metric verses imperial I'm sooooo confused thats provably why I failed math in high school. Now we have Alexa or Google. Sheesh I need a Brain rest after that topic. 😂
                • APBChevyJulie 1473189
                  I understand that you are Canadian..but the discussion is about Climate Change...not how heavy things are... or how tall you are...are we entering the twilight zone or what?
              • Ram 1380429
                Most people or organizations are doing greenwashing in the context of addressing Climate Change effects
                • pam rae
                  I DON'T BELIEVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!
                  • View all 6 replies
                  • John Smith
                    Bravo! Bravissimo! Can you please explain a bit more? Do you not believe that the climate is changing at all, or that humans have not affected this recent climate change?
                  • pam raeJohn Smith
                    hi, well,hm, far as i see it it's a scam but then that's my thinking..
                  • Chosenpam rae
                    Tell that to all those that own a house by the beach or have just been flooded.
                  • Dada WA
                    Its not a scam, its happening but whether its mostly natural or man made is the thing. I think both are at fault to some extent. .
                  • APB
                    I don't believe in Pam Rae
                  • ChosenAPB
                    Yeah has a Caps lock problem.

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