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Is it time bicycle riders had some rules?
Paula J 39526614-Sep-21 08:42 pm
I was almost knocked over by a bicycle rider. My husband caught sight of him from the corner of his eye and was able to pull me out of the way. He looked older than 16 to me so should not have been on the footpath. My nieghbour's sister has just undergone her 4th operation after being knocked down by a bike, and there is no 3rd party insurance so you pay your own bills. Bicycle riders should have to ring their bell or call out "coming through" when they encounter pedestrians because it is a "footpath" after all and not a bikeway.
    Is it time bicycles riders had some rules - YES! Will these rules be enforced - NO!
    • mary c
      First rule should be to never be allowed to wear lycra.
      • APB
        We don't have enough pavements in Australia..young mothers sometimes have to push prams along the kerb...and nowhere near enough bike paths and links...they shouldn't have to ride on pathways in the first place
        • Paula J 395266
          At one stage we had no footpaths and I had grandchildren in my care twice while mothers worked. I didn't mind pushing the pram in the gutter but I was afraid when I had to go around cars and into oncoming traffic. It could get scary when a bus was passing a car going in the opposite direction, so it was great when we got footpaths but now we are being pushed off by bikes.
        • APBPaula J 395266
          Yup I agree...and all these bloody electric scooters flying around don't help...I've heard of some horrible accidents...
      • Jenny L 591463
        Wow you were lucky you were not hurt. I thought they weren't allow to ride on foot paths. Not that they pay any attention and they do what they want. You must live in a city as we occasionally get a group of MAMILs coming for a ride in the country side and that's the only time we see them. 4 operations that's terrible. Can't she complain to council?
        • Paula J 395266
          Under 12 year olds were allowed to use the footpath but the mummies and daddies complained so now it's 15 and under but the parents ride on the footpath as well. Councils couldn't care less.
      • Debra F 499651
        On our bike paths they do call out that they are passing you.
        • Pato Lo Duck
          Cockroaches on wheels me thinks..

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