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ANZAC - Lest we forget.
Lachelle B24-Apr-23 05:35 pm
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We shall remember them.
  • Tom S Qld
    Have just finished listening to Peter FitzSimons 5 war books on audiobook: - WW1 – ‘Gallipoli’, ‘Fromelles and Pozires’ and ‘Victory at Villers Bretonneux’. WW2 – ‘Tobruk’ and ‘Kokoda’. Each one is special and heart wrenching, written and told to you from an ANZAC perspective. I have heard them before, and every 5 years or so I listen to them again. ‘Kokoda’ is especially meaningful. Those young boys actually fought and died saving Australia from Japanese invasion in July and August 1942. Had they not, we would have all been in trouble. Lest we forget.
    • Helen L 750218
      Yes, we shall remember them. Those of our current world leaders who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
      • RODNEY S 668931
        Let's hope all these brave folk over the generations legacy isn't forgotten ever
        • Julian C 871299
          Yes. We shall remember them.
          • Julian C 871299
            Lest we forget.
            • Smooch - Vic
              Thank you, Lachelle. The lump in my throat gets bigger each ANZAC Day.
              • MARGARET p 388156
                Lest We Forget
                • Liane H
                  It was lovely to see our returned soldiers in the parades with their medals proudly pinned to their suits. We would have nothing without their courage . This is ..REDGUM I was only 19
                  • Jenny L 591463
                    War and we have more fighting as if we need it. Go Ukrainian 🇷🇼 Lest we forget and remember the ones still facing war today. So sad have we not learnt from our past and may redemption and rightfulness prevail.
                    • Pat C 618241
                      My younger brother proudly marches on behalf of his father who died at age 47!
                      • Pat C 618241
                        Most of them came home far less merry than when they left.
                        • Heather the Chocoholic
                          Lest we forget
                          • Jenny L 591463
                            Is that your cat Heather? Very pretty girl, boy. I love cats well actually most animals.
                        • Mopos
                          Lest We Forget.
                          • boy blunder
                            today is and will always be a humbling day take time and think about the sacrifice these guys made to give us our tomorrow
                            • Susan KTC
                              Our heroes 🙏❤️ 🌷
                              • Manel 1271300
                                Lets we forget! You Anzac legends are memorable! Amazing work you did on behalf of the Nation. We love you and commemorate your task each year! ANZAC HEROES!😍🌺
                                • Lachelle B
                                  Thank you.
                              • mary c
                                Thankyou Lachelle.😍 Hubby got me to hang his army uniforms hanging outside his Studio door x:)
                                • View all 7 replies
                                • Lachelle B
                                  You're welcome Mary, our son has his great great grandfather's medals out.
                                • mary cLachelle B
                                  oh that is special Lachelle :) xx
                                • Lachelle Bmary c
                                • mary cLachelle B
                                  What a special piece of history- though it's really sad too eh. I've been on that site before too. Seeing family and those from back then on there stirs alot of emotion xox
                                • mary c
                                  Lachelle...this is playing on my Spotify...tears- so gorgeous xx
                                • Lachelle Bmary c
                                  How do you come across so many good songs I've never heard of???
                                • mary cLachelle B
                                  I can't stop singing it now. Its beautiful isn't it. Troy Kingi is so good. Am playing him still on Youtube :)
                              • Chosen
                                Yes. We shall remember them.

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