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EILEEN W 31055610-Jul-21 10:14 am
I am personally so worried that there will be another worldwide surge in Covid cases following the Japanese Olympics. Covid has escalated in Japan once again with cases already withing the competitors' village, no audiences now allowed and most of the athletes willing to participate already there. What is your opinion and will you bother watching?
  • Lachelle B
    I'll be watching it on telly. Then a few weeks later after closing I will watch the world have another resurgence of Covid when the athletes return back to their countries. Obviously wanting to be the best in the world is more important than your health and common sense.
    • APB
      I think if all these intelligent young athletes want to all get together in a Covid and jump...pickup and throw things and cuddle each other...that is entirely up to them...but I don't want any of them to come back afterwards......I have never seen any Olympic Games...ever...and this one is going to be even more boring than the Russian one....

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