General Topic
Why are the points so low on rewardia
Sue202-Feb-22 05:08 am
Is it me, but for the last 2 weeks the points on every game have been low.
I would like to know why, and why do they keep fluctuating.
Its driving me crazy
  • boy blunder
    all i can say is 6 out of 7 dwarves are not happy
    • mary c
      Some surveys have high points- Limes and Maroons- but who ever gets to take them? I get screened out from those rotters.
      • APB
        no everything has been terrible for over a year and it would be hard for things to get a lot worse
        • bryan e 667720
          no 1 relex its a game you earn a bob so what its a game do not let it worry you pick your best days to play other day get the 5/10 its fun treat it as such enjoy bryan ps i am in it to relax and enjoy give them what they want to a point
          • Chin C
            I know a lot of people here are also on other survey sites. One of my favourites, PxxxPxxxxxx has improved its redemption system (the only gripe most panellists have with the site). I know I will be on Rewardia less and less from now on.
            • Lachelle B
              I went past crazy a year ago Sue with points lol.
              • Sue2
                Im fast catching up to you
              • APB
                Cheshire cat?
            • Edward S 497347
              The highest-paid surveys are really for professionals like doctors, lawyers etc. After all, if Rewardia offered professionals the same amount of lousy points they pay normal members, then the professionals would NOT waste their time doing surveys; after all, professionals usually get paid over $100 an hour for the work they do. Rewardia should consider for their normal members in Australia, when doing a normal job, a minimum wage of just over $20 per hour applies, however, survey sites get away with the mere pittance they pay because they call the payments "Rewards" instead of "Pay or Wage"..... They also get away with it because governments and their opposition also pay survey sites to carry out surveys on their behalf therefore if survey sites were forced to pay a decent reward for surveys then governments and their opposition would have to pay more. Having said that, Rewardia is the lowest paying survey site, gives the lowest bonus points, is the only site that often robs members of their points after completing surveys, and often pays NO points at all when we are NOT chosen to do any given surveys..... The PureProfile site at least pays its members 10 cents for each survey they screen out of and pays much more for each completed survey
              • Chosen
                Yes but Rewardia will pay no limit on cash back to you in an instant manner (unlike PureP at a max of $70), they have games + points (no other site does this), they offer vouchers to Supermarkets (no other NZ Survey site does this)
            • Daniel T 626103
              I like to think of this site as a fruit tree... sometimes you get more, sometimes you get less, but I guess we need to decide if the reward is worth the time and effort.
              • Edward S 497347
                How do you decide that??? On your survey list page, each survey states it takes a certain amount of time to complete, then when you click on each survey it gives you a completely different amount of time it will take....In addition to that, very often when you complete a survey it either screens out and no points given or an error page comes up and no points paid then you are robbed of those points because Rewardia falsely claims you did NOT complete those surveys ....Therefore how can you tell which surveys are worth doing and which ones are not because you never know what will happen after completing any given survey Mind you, Rewardia is the only survey site where I have experienced those problems at the end of some surveys
              • APB
                sometimes it is all just full of worms...
            • bryan e 667720
              thats life enjoy what you can leave to the side if you can no,t life is good and its bad i get upset for the same reason as you, try the little ones for a while the big ones come as a suprise good luck i hope you get one soon
              • Matt M 461986
                It's sort of random, sometimes I can grind away for what feels like 20 mins just to get 280 points but then sometimes I can get lucky and do one in 3-4 mins and get 900 points
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  My guess would be - more rewardia members less points available to everyone
                  • Sue2
                    its weird as some people get 5 points for spot the difference and others get 1 or 3.
                  • Edward S 497347Sue2
                    When I came on here this morning I was offered 5 points on one of those VOTE things, but after voting I was only given 4 points...I know it's only one point the difference ( which is much less than one cent) but its the principle of the matter.....Afterall, 5 points is only about HALF of ONE CENT
                • mary c
                  i just clicked on a tasty pink survey 2000 points..before i'd even answered any qs it came up with a screen saying it seems from your responses that you are not suitable. What responses! Harsh- hate when that happens- which is often.
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • bryan e 667720
                    the same but they wanted my name adress and details which they did not get 1000 will come again
                  • mary cbryan e 667720
                    thats too intrusive!!
                  • Lachelle Bbryan e 667720
                    Don't give out details, close that survey. A week or two ago a Rewardian (that's what I call members) did and is being spammed.

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