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What is your go to song/s to cheer you up at the moment?
mary c16-Apr-22 09:43 am
What song or singer do you like to listen to that makes you feel good?
At the moment I like listening to Alan Parsons and a song by Pharrell called Just a cloud away. Also have a massive playlist of faves.
  • John Smith
    Just like you - Just like any other I'm on the pursuit of easy points here on survey website
    • mary c
      wowie haven't heard of this band before- interesting for sure. and the comments!
  • Elizabeth J 447888
    Good morning Mary. I will have a listen to those. In the last week or so I have heard In the Living World by Mike and the Mechanics - an oldy but a goodie. I just love this song. I have hopped onto You Tube to get a few extra doses. I often hope onto You Tube to listen to Andrea Bocelli singing The Prayer.
    • mary c
      Also love All i need is a Miracle by them :)
  • Sue2
    Imagine, by John Lennon
    • mary c
      Do you know a song his son did- i think its called Too late for Goodbyes. Not profound like Imagine but still good.
    We've a Winner - by the Impressions
    • View all 5 replies
    • mary c
      Have you played Curtis Mayfield?- love Move on Up- and interestingly i just saw he played it with The Impressions- who i hadn't heard of til you commented ! My husband (tetraplegic) compiles amazing playlists and i discovered Curtis and many many others on his playlists. We also love Blues and our special fellow BB King- what a talent and awesome musician.
      Interesting! Your husband must have a "great" playlist! Curtis Mayfield used to be with the Impressions - before he went solo! I am not into "country" and/or "blues" - both bring back painful memories for me. My favorite generic type of music is - Jazz. BB King sings a song called "The Thrill is Gone" (1970) - the song is - at
      oh my goodness- thanks for that Walter- how interesting about Curtis. I love hearing about musicians beginnings. We play The Thrill is gone regularly :)
      You and your husband have amazing taste in MUSIC! I play a song by Gil Scott-Heron called " Home Is Where The Hatred Is" - everyday - it keeps me grounded :-))!
      thankyou for introducing me to this musician- will be listening to more of his great sound and reading about him. Right this minute I have Bob Dylan playing Gotta serve somebody..true that!
  • allin
    • View all 8 replies
    • mary c
      Now i wasn't expecting that!!
    • allinmary c
      why not Mary ;-))
    • mary callin
      haaaaa yes..silly moi...of course i should have expected it! 2nd most fave song? Born to be wild?
    • allinmary c
    • mary callin tentatively clicking on the link haha...
    • mary cmary c
      oooh yeah the good old Bellamy me hippy skirt on. Just saw a more recent song they'd done called Boobs haha- not sending the link in case you get in trouble!!! we have become quite the country listeners since Spotify- one of my faves is a newish fellow singing Cocaine Country Dancing- daym its good.
    • allinmary c
      that's some good stuff,, here ya go Mary, these guys are the bomb, check out their music ,,
    • mary callin
      yessirree- already discovered them this year too...they are great. my we have such good taste haha.
  • mary c
    Classic? how old was he here??
    • APB
      My favourite song today is "what a waste" by Ian is probably his best song....I used to play Ian Dury to Americans when he first started to record...and found their confused faces hysterical...they just didn't understand ANY of it..."You Limeys are crazy"...which being fair to them, we probably were.....
      • APB
        "I get knocked down...but I get up're never going to keep me down!...I get knocked down...." if I'm feeling down that is the one to play at full volume.. ..and "strange days indeed" John Lennon
        • View all 3 replies
        • mary c
          that sounds like a good song to play directly to the freakish constantly mutating corona virus. and strange days too in fact. just watched Spitting image episode last night- didn't realize it was still a thing. GoodGod they do great work- Boris and Putin are amazing images..and there was a skit about the corona virus riding in the limo with Trump and spreading around everywhere with him. Dark and funny at same is the case when things are awful you sometimes have to laugh. Forgot to say- Biden was also brilliant- constant giant grin.
        • APBmary c
          Humour is a really vital component...the Brits laughed at hitler...the Ukraine laugh at putin now...contempt and humour are a part of your defence
        • mary cAPB
          was watching Ricky Gervais doing a skit on Hitler other day- v funny- in only the way Ricky can make something dark funny.
      • Karen 73356
        Freaks - Timmy Trumpet Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars Lovely Day - Bill Withers Days like these - Van Morrison Cat Stevens, Bette Midler, Queen. You name it I'll find a positive out of it
        • mary c
          Wow- i like all those songs too..and KC n Sunshine band- Get down tonight, and Earth wind n Fire- September. Anything Bruno sings and with Anderson Paak makes me wanna daaance. I always think KC sing Lovely day- not Bil Withers- such a good song.

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