General Topic
speed cameras
Kaylene D22-Feb-25 07:02 pm
Do you think drivers should be warned about speed cameras? Radios requesting that you tell them or by being flashed by other drivers?
  • Filomena 1638653
    I think they are good idea. But the best solution is not to speed.
    • Denise C (Qld)
      Navigational devices often warn you "speed camera ahead". Best solution, don't speed.
      • Maurice H 392379
        I think if you didn't speed you wouldn't worry about the speed Cameras .
        • The ghost
          You get caught your problem, just don’t like speed traps based at the bottom of hills, or just before the speed limit raises, they are both just revenue raisers.
          • Mopos
            No warnings, "stop it or cop it"
            • Dada WA
              No excuses really. Most cars now have cruise control.
              • Busyasabee NZ
                what about tailgaters who try and push you along when you are doing the speed limit? Today I heard one third of all crashes are caused by drugs
                • Andrew C 287196
                  I saw that advert on TV, but as usual it's almost certainly misleading / misreported. There's no way they can really prove the driver using drugs (or alcohol or mobile phone use) was the *cause* of the car crash, but such things *do* increase the chances of an accident. The more likely truth is that drivers in one-third of crashes failed a drug test, so it says more about the widespread use of drugs rather than car crashes themselves. It probably doesn't distinguish between illegal drugs and doctor-prescribed drugs, although some of the second type also mean you shouldn't drive when taking them.
              • Pat C 618241
                These days it's "damned if you don't, damned if you do", Big Brother has his eye on you but only if you are breaking what you know is the speed limit. Don't be a silly B, drive within the limits!
                • Caroline B
                  Nope. It's as simple as; go the speed limit you won't get fined. Speed camera signage or fixed point signage is fine but others drivers should not be warned, so the crime, face the fine.Flashing other drivers is now a finable offence in some states, if caught by police.
                  • Stu J
                    Everyone seems to be in such a hurry these days - just relax and smell the grass once or twice. Suffering the consequences of speeding is up to the individual perpetrators and my how some of them moan -sob!
                    • Grommie
                      light flashing warnings by other drivers is a chargeable offence in NZ... so take care there. Speed camera area signage encourages compliance.
                      • Chosen
                        It is just another tax. How about fining all the "go slowers "
                        • Andrew C 287196
                          It's very very simple: - If you're not breaking the law by speeding, you don't need to be "warned". - If you are breaking the law by speeding, you deserve to get caught. There should be no signs, no warnings, and tougher penalties.
                          • Lee b 979050
                            Speed cameras help save lives. If you do the crime you do the time
                            • Robert F 1161011
                              I warn others and I like to be warned. Google Maps, and broadcast radio with traffic reports sometimes warn me.
                              • APB
                                It depends on whether you want to help other drivers really...I always try and help them (you can be fined if they catch you) is only common decency...but like a lot of things these days people are not as caring of others anymore...perhaps scared of being caught.. and more selfish...I hope no-one warns them about speed cameras either....Karma... everyone speeds sometimes by accident...

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