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There was this French man...a Mexican and and an American...
APB15-Nov-24 08:08 pm
There is this man in Queensland Australia..and after staring into a bookshop window for a while...he marches in and says "I'll take a bag of flies please"...the guy at the desk says "we don't sell flies sir"....and the guy says "so why have you got so many in the shop window?"
  • Liane H
    Policeman said " Please exit your vehicle" Me" l'm too drunk ,you get in"
    • Holly Cat
      I remember when I was younger when I went to a wedding, my older relatives used to poke me and say, "You're next"! They didn't seem to like it too much when I started doing that to them at funerals.
      • Liane H
        In tonight's news ..Radios now pulling" Do you hear what I hear" from Christmas playlists this is offensive to Schizophrenics.
        • Holly Cat
          My 10 year old daughter wants to see the new pirate movie. I said sorry, you can't. It's rated Arrrgh!
          • APB
            Well this joke page needs a lot of help to get back up to the top again....and I KNOW that everyone one of you has at least one incredible joke....C'mon...we need ths...PLEASE SHARE!!!
            • APB
              I had WAY too much to drink last night when I was I took a taxi to get home...on the way there was a police road block....but when they saw the taxi they waved it home safe and sound....funny...that was the first time I've ever driven a no idea where I got it from...its in the garage...what am I supposed to do with it?....
              • Liane H
                I'll tell my VIP driver that one in the morning !!
            • boy blunder
              friend says to his friend I bet you are still a virgin ? i was until last night he replies, As if he said, Just ask your sister he replies! I don't have a sister he replies ! his mate replies quickly saying you will in 9 months
              • boy blunder
                The teacher asks the kids What does a chicken give you? Meat/Eggs they say! very good she says,,, And what does the pig give you? Bacon/Pork chops! they say, Again very good, one more what does the big ol fat cow give you?,,,,Homework! they say
                • boy blunder
                  a man goes into a bar with a gun and shouts who has been sleeping with my wife, all is quiet except for the guy behind the bar who says,, You don't have enough bullets
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • Liane H
                    A woman storms into a chemist and walks straight up to the pharmacist, looks him in the eye and says" I'd like a bottle of arsenic please." Taken aback he inquires "What on earth do you need that for madam?" "I need it for my husband " she replies "What?! " exclaims the Pharmacist "l can't possibly sell you arsenic we would both be off to jail and in a lot of trouble . Sorry I just cannot give you anything of the sort !!" With that she produces a photo from her purse of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife ..... He peers at it momentarily.. " Oh you never mentioned you had a prescription!"
                  • boy blunderLiane H
                    nice!!! How do you poison a lady with a razer blade????? Give her arse a nick
                  • Liane H boy blunder
                    ohh ouch! 😂
                • Chosen
                  There was a prolific contributor to all Rewardia topics and now there is not. Ummmmmm
                  • APB
                    well its not this some cryptic puzzle or are you going to explain this further? ..if it is going to be a quiz then we need some points... oh wait...let me check ....Allin is currently User647632...and appears to have lost his discussion group as well... he must have been a VERY VERY naughty boy
                • APB
                  There wus this little town... out in the desert... in the Wild West days of America....and one day a lone rider came into was bad news...Big John was coming...well the townsfolk had all heard the legends about Big John...and wagons were loaded and everyone left town for their own safety...everyone except the Barkeep...well he'd been running that saloon for years...and figured he was curious to meet he stayed put....well next day there was a cloud of dust on the horizon and a while later you could just make out this giant of a man....riding two he arrived in the main street he reached down...banged the two bulls heads together and jumped clear....marching into the saloon "hey barkeep give me two bottles of whisky" he roared...ripped out the corks and drank both of them straight down...would you like another said the nervous barman?..."Hell NO man...can't hang around...ain't you folks HEARD?....Big John is coming!!.... "
                  • boy blunder
                    two guys are playing golf are about to tee off when he notices a funeral procession traveling along the road adjacent to the fairway he stops his approach and bows his head as it passes, his mate says that was beautifully done fella, he replies it was the least I could do I was married to her for 30 years
                    • boy blunder
                      in life somedays you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue
                      • Pat C 618241
                        Does it depend on who cops the most sh*t?
                      • boy blunderPat C 618241
                        pigeons deliver the sh??, statues receive the sh?? in life i am the statue
                    • APB
                      I want to tell the one about big john (again)...but I need a lot of people ´to tell me that they haven't heard it first! ...I think that one is my favourite joke....
                      • Tom S Qld
                        tell again
                      • APBTom S Qld
                        OK I don't need much of an excuse Tom!
                    • APB
                      There was this French man...a Mexican...a Brit.. and an American on this aircraft..the plane starts losing altitude...and the pilot says that there are too many people and someone needs to jump out...the Frenchman is first...Vive La France he says and jumps out...a while later another person has to the Brit stands up...God save the King he says...and jumps out...but it is no good...they still need one more person to jump to make it to the the American stands up...Remember the Alamo...he shouts...and throws the Mexican out the plane...
                      • Pat C 618241
                        Does this proverb have anything to do with a man called Trump??
                      • APBPat C 618241
                        I've submitted a discussion page on Trump...fingers crossed!
                    • boy blunder
                      my friend's son woke the other morning and told his dad his ear hurt,,on the inside or the outside he asked, so his son went outside and came back in and said both, his dad is putting his university money to better use
                      • boy blunder
                        at some point in life, everybody will gamble on a fart and loose
                        • Norlito 1594909
                          • The ghost
                            The hardest thing about living in Queensland, is knowing what condition and colour of thongs (flip flops) to wear to formal and informal gatherings.
                            • View all 4 replies
                            • Chosen
                              Get Leopard skin ones.
                            • The ghostChosen
                              How Victorian of you.
                            • ChosenThe ghost
                              Alright make it Tiger skin if you are that fussy.
                            • Tom S Qld
                          • The ghost
                            A white horse walks into a bar, the barman says ,” wow, did you know we have a whiskey named after you.” The horse replies, “ What Eric”?
                            • Chosen
                              Nah as in fact his name was Johnny or maybe the Barman got confused and his name was Jack or Daniel.
                          • Holly Cat
                            What happened to the gorilla that went into the cake shop?
                            • Liane H
                              He ordered the Shoo fly bun and fell ill ..
                            • APB
                              That's a very good question...I couldn't find it either...
                          • APB
                            The title here should include an Englishman too.....if I get ten more decent jokes on here I'll tell you that one ...
                            • APB
                              As far as I know that joke is totally new!! was adapted from a new UK joke about wasps!!

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