General Topic
Why can't we freeze the time zone and stop time changes?
DIANE 126385815-Mar-24 06:26 am
Shifting time is hard on people and an artificial reality. On the issue of freezing time zones, would you choose Daylight time (more light later in the day) or 'Standard' time (more light in the early morning but dusk before dinner in winter)?
  • APB
    If it annoys artificial intelligence...thats a good thing and something else they are going to have to learn...on their long and exciting journey to be at least as stupid as we are..Queenland does not have this rubbish
    • Andrew C 287196
      Stupid "Daylight Saving" doesn't actually save anything (never has) and the changes are hated by most people. Just move the clocks by 30mins and then leave the time alone. The official time zones are there for a reason, and continually mucking about with the clocks just makes them a mockery.
      • boy blunder
        I know CHERS favourite time is the end of daylight savings because she can TURN BACK TIME

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