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EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)20-Feb-24 10:06 pm
Dear Rewardia.
It would be extremely nice if I wasn't getting screened out of nearly all surveys. I am genuinely trying to earn points and it feels like I am being blocked from doing so. It is NOT good enough and it is NOT acceptable. Please fix this
  • Pat C 618241
    I've certainly realized that the much vaunted supply of new surveys are really the same tired old things whatever colour they come in, red green, pink, lime. If you are not working, either retired or too sick then you are not considered suitable survey interviewees!
    • phillH
      there you go when i logged in there were 12 surveys showing in the survey centre .After trying each one none allowed me to enter or finish 4 of the bloody things disappeared before i even got a chance to click on them....... 2 points for trying it's PATHETIC
      • Smooch - Vic
        So many pink “surveys” take you straight to another survey platform, with no points awarded. They are another blight on Rewardia’s “support” of its members.
        • Holly Cat
          Yes! I've learned my lesson and exit when I seem to be taken in circles to different platforms. I've completed a few surveys from a certain company, it went to the thank you for completing the survey screen, but wouldn't take me back to Rewardia, so I got no points.
      • Gladys S 739398
        I refuse to complete any survey that deals with politics.
        • Gladys S 739398
          I have being screened out, but I never screen out, you screen me out.
          • phillH
            i laughed it said earn a 1000 points on any survey to get a free bonus 1000 points .....your havin a laff id be lucky to get a 1000 points in a month since 99% of them screen you out before you start and give you a whopping two points just for clicking on it
            • Suzanne H 205302
              I totally agree. Or you spend 10mins answering questions only to be screened out at that point. Then you get a token 5 points. If there is a certain colour of survey that I don't "fit the mould" for, then don't put them in my list!!
              • Somebody Kinda Loopy
                Seen lots of WE'RE SORRY ones.
                • EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)
                  And some that don't even take you to a survey
              • Pat C 618241
                It depends on things such as, are you working, do you have children under 18, how old are you? It never seems to be a realization that of those who do these surveys, many are at home due to health or age and therefore we can't answer the questions asked.
                • EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)
                  Exactly and that bugs me
              • boy blunder
                Do you think this might be a result of AI getting involved in surveys?
                • Lou 1428513
                  Is anyone having trouble getting the code to redeem points? It's not in spam. I've emailed them but no reply as yet
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • Emma
                    No I’m not Lou but they will respond to you it just takes a bit
                  • Thomas (Rewardia Support)
                    Hi Lou. We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience you're facing with redeeming your points. It seems we're encountering a glitch with our automated email system at the moment. Our development team is actively working on resolving this issue as we speak. We expect everything to be up and running smoothly again within the next 1–2 hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
                  • phillHThomas (Rewardia Support)
                    Bull ive been on this site for at least two years and have this and other pathetic excuses numerous times just sort it out and stop palming people off with excuses and measly compensationary points
                • Susan KTC
                  I agree the screen outs are frequent, demographics, age and employment seem to be significant, however I’m finding some interesting surveys to answer as well! Monies raised have been useful in countdown covering foods…
                  • Somebody Kinda Loopy
                    There's a five hour survey currently for a reward of 62 cents. I do not want to do a survey for 15 minutes and get 4points compensation at 14 minutes in . . . . They want honest answers . . give us honest surveys !!!!
                    • EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)
                  • Von
                    What APB said 😵‍💫
                    • John Smith
                      Thus Spoke APB, written by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, 1885 y.
                  • Belle S
                    I receive more surveys to complete on my mobile phone than I do my tablet.
                    • EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)
                      I use a laptop as well as my phone... same result on both
                  • Stu J
                    Apparently its all about age and suitability
                    • Patricia F 963178
                      Yes I agree. so sick of being screened out. why offer surveys if they cant be done? I sometimes feel it might be age related. often I put my age (86) and immediately am told not eligible. I still have my brains. not dead yet.
                      • APB
                        I'm with you Courtney!
                        • Emma
                          I dont understand why Courtney cause I’m not getting screened out from most surveys cause I’ve been completing around 1 to 16 surveys every day
                          • EliNoahBOO aka Court (TAS)
                            Your Rewardia is different to ours here. I get through one every few days if I am lucky

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