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Happy uplifting happenings
Pauline S/NZ21-Jan-23 04:45 am
We can all get a bit caught up in the struggles of daily life and world events.
So let's share the joyful and happy moments.
It can be as simple as your favourite flower blooming in your garden or a nice walk to work in the fresh air. I like to think there is some joy to be found in every day.
I'll start with this
I have just joined a stitching group and have reconnected with an old friend and ex work mate of 25 years in that group.
Oh and I've started picking my runner beans..yummy.
  • boy blunder
    every year I give my grandkids 25 dollars each,a couple of weeks before Christmas and before their birthdays and easter, the catch is they have to do something good for someone with that money, like my 13-year-old last year suggested they buy woolies cards and gave them out at the checkout for some of our seniors, my little autistic [then 5] this year before his birthday bought 4 happy meals and gave them to some people sitting outside a shopping center I think they were on lunch break he thought they were homeless but never the less they were honored by his gift i look so much to see what they come up with teaching the art of giving is such a rewarding guft
    • Pauline S/NZ
      What a beautiful thing to do.
  • Dada WA
    great subject - so many negative posts. Another year where I can look forward to seeing interstate family that I haven't seen for a while. Maybe an overseas holiday. After the last few years things are looking up and I hope everyone takes advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead. Happy New Year all!
    • Chosen
      Ask "Mr Grumpy"
      • Liane H
        Thankyou for putting this one up .I for one am all for going into the new year on an upbeat note if possible and not discussing awfully, depressing topics! We all have private crap to deal with so it is nice to catch up with other's that make you forget about those and as you say, share the the happy moments and memories ,no matter how simple they may be.. Mine for today is I am catching up with a lovely lady aged 92 yrs who is an absolute hoot and used to be an artist ( painter) She has been wanting myself and a friend to come and visit her for drinks ,so we r going .Her daughter just warned us only to have an exit plan as she will probably try and keep us there all day! And u know what I wouldn't care less as she is absolutely gorgeous and a joy to be around :) Have a great day and enjoy those beans Pauline, nothing better than home-grown. Good on u for putting in the energy to dig the dirt and put em in !
        • Pauline S/NZ
          That sounds like fun
      • Jennifer H 722364
        I brought at puppy at Xmas and she makes me smile ,laugh ,gets me out of the house and meet new people .Loves to play games and has been easy to train .Void living in an empty house no more .
        • Pauline S/NZ
        • Liane H
          My next door neighbour gave her 6yr old daughter an 8 wk old lil one for Christmas as they had lost there older pooch last year and her grandfather recently. So the joy little 'Tiger' is now bringing to all of us around here is putting smiles on dials. They are great for meeting people too as you say , best wishes for u and your new bundle of fluffy joy! :)

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